[img]https://scontent-atl.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/10918991_785354908218239_4010645322754731311_n.jpg?oh=6053fe099df765d15ee6ae5e6eef1289&oe=554A10DB[/img] Kalardia's capital city, Ivek. Night was started to fall once again over Ivek, some stars were already visible and the streets started to get crowded, the people could enjoy the fresh air of the night after a hot day of work, the merchants took this opportunity to make more money and so lowered the price of their products, children ran across the streets playing hide-and-seek or with balls made of leather while some adults yelled at them worried they may cause an accident. The guards looked at everyone who passed by suspiciously. Hotarubi was in the square, leaning against a tree, with a sweet smile on her face she watched the children play without worries. "I'd love to see everyone was this happy..." She told herself, watching children play was what she enjoyed the most, however there was a job to do that night, Hotarubi was wearing her thief clothes under her kimono, ready for the mission, but was not the time yet.