As Indi continued to slurp down spaghetti and water, he was astounded at Ivan's description of history. [b]"Not so good at the history, though. Listening to the recounting of dead people doing dead things isn't really my cup o' tea."[/b] He said, and Indi just couldn't comprehend. History was conflict! War, and generals, and Grimm, and politics, it was all just a bunch of people fighting. That was so cool! How Ivan could not see it was dumb. But, whatever, some people had opinions, and he had to accept that sometimes he was the only guy with good taste. [b]"I was holding back, obviously. Doesn't make for a good show if I display all my tricks on the first day."[/b] Ivan explained. So many Johns, dude. What was the point of a damn fight if you didn't give it your all? Ivan was probably just talking big. Merlin was a caster too, he wasn't some massive hulk like Gren with a semblance that was, essentially cheating. Indi had an excuse to tie, even if he could have fought better. Ivan didn't. Ivan then had the guts to insult his opponent even after it was proven they were equals. Indi shook his head in annoyance; This guy was kind of an asshole. Ineko then greeted them (what the hell is with all these I names?) with a simple acknowledgement of their names. While doing that fries sandwich thing that made the sandwich taste much better, Ineko said something that was an odd mix of pessimistic and optimistic. [b]"First day of class gents, and we're not dead yet. I'd say so far it's going pretty good."[/b] He commented, in between bites of his Chicken-Fry sandwich. [b]"Pity I never got to see either you or the foxy lady's fights. We may know each other's names, but we haven't been formally introduced."[/b] Ivan spoke, sparking up conversation. That reminded him, he needed to ask Ineko something. After shaking Ivan's hand and responding with his own introduction. "Indigo Kafka, working to be the best fighter. Ever." Indi turned to Ineko while chugging some water. "Speaking of fights, why'd you throw yours? I mean, might as well try, right?" He asked, a hint of disappointment in his voice. "I mean, I would have won if I had a little less aura, Ivan would have won if he wasn't 'holding back'." Indi said, adding emphasis on 'holding back' as to accentuate that he didn't really believe Ivan. "And Seibs won! Your whole team is pretty decent, at least. I'm sure you would've put up a great fight." He lied. He wasn't sure Ineko would have done so great against Jayden due to his suit's bulk. Still he should have at least tried. "By the way, can you remind me to whoop that douche Rakim's ass?" He added afterwards, remembering his friend's fight.