[h2][color=421A8C]Sapphire Rode[/color] - Cafeteria[/h2] Sapphire started to eat her food. Starting with the apples. Diamond either didn't hear her questions regarding foster care or more likely chose to ignore it. That kind of childhood couldn't have been pleasant and Sapphire thought she likely didn't want to be reminded of it. After this the conversation turned to the mornings combat class and the functions of each persons semblance. Both Diamond and Aurelius seemed to regard the others semblance as cheating. While the same could be said of Sapphire's the azure haired girl found this incredibly funny, a condescending smile forming on her lips. [color=0054a6]"I notice that the only people who seem to think their opponent was cheating were the ones that [i]lost[/i]."[/color] She said putting extra emphasis on the last word. It was foolish to think of anything as [i]cheating[/i]. In a real fight whether it was with Grimm or others they would do whatever it took to win victory regardless of if it was honorable or fair. If you relied on your opponent fighting fair you would lose every time. The only thing you could do was pull every trick you had available and hope it was enough. Sapphire had to admit though that Diamond's semblance was pretty impressive. While her own was more subtle Diamond's was an enormous boon in a fight. The talk of semblances got her thinking, she'd not seen Oswald use his in there fight. Sure he'd pulled all kinds of tricks, and tactics but nothing that could be regarded as a semblance. [color=0054a6]"Hey Oswald,"[/color] She said looking at him [color=0054a6]"I never got to see it in our match. What's your semblance?"[/color]