Greyson sighed as his matched finished and he felt bad for talking to the guy the way he did which made him sound like an ass. Greyson wanted to say sorry but he didn't want to admit that he was better or anything because his problem went away. Greyson just hoped that later on they could be friends down the road. Greyson went back to his teammates and he followed them to the other classes they had to take like math and Daniel obviously sounded like he didn't like it and Greyson couldn't blame him since Greyson sucked at it to. Then it went to lunch and Daniel said it was a hell of a first day and Greyson nodded "no joke, at least this day turned out interesting for a first day of class. honestly I felt bad about what I said to that guy during the match I wish I could apologize but I don't know how I would say it" Greyson said softly as he got a pizza and some bread to eat for his lunch