[quote=@Pepperm1nts] Shit, I am not trying to dismantle anything. If it seems that way, I apologize. I am not even formally in the RP, just observing. The solution is simple though: make airships more versatile. Allow them to be able to get over these shortcomings. [/quote] Their shortcomings are balanced by their strengths. The limited height is all that makes them balanced. The higher they go, the more range they get and the harder they become to hit. At sea, the target is small, so the range benefit that their 8000 feet gives them is negated by wind reducing accuracy. On land, the target is gigantic, so they can evade the enemy fire while engaging (provided they are not surprised by hidden guns). So basically airships do exactly the role we envision they would and should: Demolish with extreme prejudice the natives without being OP on civilized nations.