After the Heroes made their entrance several were immediately trapped by eager ladies in waiting and barons hoping a friend of the Hero might earn them a place higher up in the food chain of politics. The food and drink were distributed liberally with plenty of both for the crowd. One hero made his way to the king and gave a formal voice of thanks. This seemed to please the king who smiled. "It is I who should thank you young Hero. Please a savior need not kneel. It is us who are in your debt." The voice betrayed the Kings appearance which was one of an older man. Instead his voice, like the hero object he possessed, rang out loud and powerful even echoing some as those around him drew quiet. The reason for silence seemed to multiply after a group of guards pulled a young man forward. The face now recognized by many as the one on the wanted posters. The mans name was unknown and he was simply known as a bandit. Since his attacks on caravans both traders and the kings own he had been getting more and more recognition. When the man is thrown in front of the King he turned to the bandit and frowned. "It would seem we have lost our manners when hosting this hero..." His voice was low and threatening to the guards. They quickly started to defend their actions pulling out a poster, but were quickly silenced by a wave of the Kings hands. "I pardon all acts against my seal this man has committed." There was no murmur from the guards. Instead silent nodding. The King then walked over and pulled the young man up onto his feet. "It would be wise to learn you are not back home playing a protagonists journey. Learn to adapt instead of create more chaos. Not knowing the larger picture can make you the bringer of disaster." This was said in a high whisper. The mood was now dapper and the King quickly signaled for the band to play bringing life back to the party. "My captain has informed me that you all come from the same home. It is understandable that you all have much to catch up on. I too would like to hear of how you came to be chosen as a hero." The King was again standing with his strong voice and aged body. Still his eyes seemed to twinkle like that of a boy in a candy store.