Mike yelped as he pushed by an invisible force that knocked him onto his bed. He bounced on the cheap mattress as he braced himself. “Holy shit!” Mike exclaimed before breathing heavily from the rush. “Holy… shit.” He repeated. He didn’t really know how else to respond to not only making Floyd tell him what he wanted to know or the fact that it was Nicole Bishop who was hot boxing with Floyd, but just the overall moment. Mike was already 100% sure he and his roommate had superpowers, but to be using them like this was just crazy. Mike sat up on his bed and looked at Floyd with surprised on his face before smirking at his roommate. “That was sick?! What the hell is even your power? And Nicole Bishop?! Oh man, that’s just worth putting into my show.” Mike asked thrust his right hand forward towards Floyd. The force was like a weak playful push. “I’m asking nicely this time.” Mike joked as he hopped off of his bed and moved towards his desk. “Man I was thinking about watching Chronicle, Heroes, even a little bit of Carrie to get the hang of this. Maybe even get a few ideas for… fuck.” Mike cursed under his breath as he held his head. The headache had returned. His best guess was that using these powers had a bit of a side effect. That meant there was a limit, but Mike wouldn’t see that as much downside. So what if he needed a cool down. Mike proceeded to open up his laptop as he prepared to log onto Netflix. “Man, this shit is awesome.” He said has he rubbed his right temple.