Oswald just shook his head at Aurellius and Diamond's antics. He'd have to learn to get used to those two soon enough. At least he wasn't the only one who wasn't very well-versed in the academic side of things. He found himself nodding along with Sapphire when she described fighting as an art form. "I agree, fighting is an art. That's why they're called martial arts. Everybody has their own style that can suit them perfectly if they train and hone their skills while they can. But that said, not everybody is fit for art." Having said his piece, Oswald simply continued eating his meal, listening to the conversation about Semblances, trying to remember everything he could. Jack, Aurellius's opponent, had a kind of extreme speed as his Semblance, where Diamond's opponent Mokuren was able to reflect Diamond's attack back at her. It was when Sapphire asked him about his own Semblance that Oswald stopped. It took him a moment to decide whether he should tell her, but ultimately he decided against it. There was no point in hiding it and getting his ass beat, only to reveal it later. "Sorry Sapphire, but if you want to see my Semblance, fight me again when I can use both arms, and when that rib of yours is healed." He said it with a smile, and meant it. Their second fight would be what really counted, when both were in good physical condition. This first fight had been good to judge their abilities, but with debilitating injuries to both, there was no way to tell which fighter really was 'better'.