Gonna put this down here too so people see it. I always forget to mention this stuff >_< Okay to sum up how magic is looked at in Caradia: It's not a foreign concept to them. They do trade with a country called Lumoise (Which is on the other side of the crag than Waylox for those who look at my other rps) which is run by mages, their religion revolves around it. Caradia's not super thrilled with mages, but if they're not hurting anyone then they see no need to really involve themselves in their business. People are a little more likely to give a weird look if they know you're a mage, but, unless you have a bad reputation, they aren't gonna run in terror from you. If you've established a good reputation then they'll ignore that weird magic mumbo jumbo and be quite chummy with you. Caradia's own religion dictates good is to be praised and bad to destroyed, but they believe each person dictates whether they are bad or good, not the circumstances they are born with.