Like the abrupt transition of winter to spring, Bosfyrd had transformed from a once peaceful town to just another cautionary tail of what awaited the last remaining free cities not yet under Harold’s thumb. Streets once filled with laughter, excited stories and hushed rumors accompanied with friendly smiles, were now almost void of life. The townsfolk, nowadays, seemed to keep to themselves as much as they could. They couldn’t be blamed though, no one knew who could be listening and with pockets of guards patrolling the streets no one wanted to chance the risk. Lysandra spied the street below from her little room on the second floor of the Scuffed Boots. It didn’t offered the best of views with dust and grime encrusted into the window from years of being unwashed, but nevertheless it was the best she had while being cooped up in the tavern. Two days prior, Brand’s adoptive daughter had reached Bosfyrd and with the help of Dunstan’s oldest daughter and good friend of hers, Emma, was able to acquire sanctuary. Her original plan had been to sneak into Brand’s estate and confirm the news of his demise herself, but she hadn’t counted on the estate being under heavily scrutinizing surveillance. Not being able to enter the estate but also not giving up on trying to find answers of what had become of her father, Lysandra had no choice but to fall back and think of a new plan. There weren’t many folks she could trust in the town and those that did recognized her offered little more than what she already knew. Luck would just have it that she did ran into Meena in the market place the day before and was told that word had been sent some time ago to her brother, Quinn. With the news, Lysandra didn’t have a shadow of a doubt that not only Quinn, but also other members of Brand’s lot would be in-tow back to town – all she needed to do was wait patiently and remain inconspicuous while in Bosfyrd, something she was all to well at. From her window she watched as a wagon slowly came to halt in front of the tavern and its two occupants set about unloading some of the kegs of mead and other substances to replenish the Scuffed Boots wares. She couldn’t quite make out whom the two men were or if she even recognized them but it didn’t matter much, she needed to finish getting dressed for her role as a simple and unsuspecting tavern wench. With one final look outside, Lysandra turned her attention to her bed where a few choice knives were laid out along with her rope darts. She would conceal the knives on her person and the rope darts, attached to her wrists, would be hidden under her sleeves of her simple brown dress. The rest of her equipment was tucked away inside the straw of the bed for safekeeping. These days one could never be too careful.Because of her red hair, Lysandra needed to wear a wimple around her head to keep unwanted eyes away and be less distinguishable from all the other females in town. The old stairs just outside her door creaked and moaned in protest announcing the sound of approching company, shortly after there was a soft knock on her door. Making sure the last of her hair was neatly concealed; Lysandra proceeded to answer the door. Emma quickly slipped into the room before the door had even been open wide enough, a small smile stretching her thin lips. “What is it?” Lysandra whispered glancing out the hallway and down the stairs to make sure no one had followed the female before closing the door. “Masef…he is here. I recognized him almost immediately.” She breathed excitedly. Lysandra took a moment to consider the implications; the youngest of Brand’s brood was here. “Are you certain?” “Yes.” She whispered back, “I handed him a drink myself. Go downstairs and see if you do not believe me.” If Masef was here that meant that others must be close by also. She hadn’t seen her youngest brother in a few years, not since he had left the estate. Matter of fact, she hadn’t seen any of her siblings since they all parted their own ways. Despite not being the youngest, Lysandra had been the last one to leave Brand’s side some three years ago on her way to make a life in the capitol and had the bitter sweet pleasure of wishing the others good fortune on their trips and endeavors. Emma was right though, she did need to go downstairs and confirm it was truly her sibling. “Count to twenty after I’ve left before returning downstairs.” Lysandra instructed her friend before slipping out of the room and making her way to the tavern floor. The room was only half full as she took note of everyone’s faces and made her way to the bar proper. She didn’t spot Masef right away but instead caught sight of another of her siblings, Sigur. It was hard to miss the distinct pigment of his skin and coarse appearance as he walked over to a table nestled in the back corner housing the one and only Masef, himself. She was delighted to see not one but two of her siblings had made it back to Bosfyrd and they both seemed in very good health. The smallest hint of a smile tickled the corners of her lips, hardly noticeable to any stray eyes that might have been looking her way at the time. She wanted nothing more than to run over and embrace her brothers in a warm and tight embrace, but that would not only be impractical but could but their very lives at risk. For now it was just enough to know that they were alive and more importantly they were here, even if the reason for their reunion was the death of the one man that had brought them all together. Hiding her smile from prying eyes, Lysandra quietly disappeared into the back kitchen.