[quote=@Samebito] [quote=@Keyguyperson] Nope, if you want a trade deal, you're gonna have to talk to the King of Vanjana IC. So get ready to suck up until you want to kill yourself. [/quote] [center][h3]Local Man Discovers Spine After Lifelong Struggle With Being A Bitch[/h3][/center] "They say to not hold out for miracles. Well I say keep on believing." Said Keyguyperson, showing off his newly developed nards to an applauding audience. Where there was once a smooth space were now roughly cantaloupe sized family jewels. “It has taken me some 15 years of life, but I finally know the joys of having testicles to speak of. It has transformed me. Not only can I tell Duck 'no, cut that shit out', but I can sag them low, wave them to and fro, tie 'em in a knot, and tie 'em in a bow." But it only gets better for this lucky individual! Keyguyperson was excited to learn that he is now capable of procreation. When asked what he'll name his firstborn child, he replied, "I've decided he (or she) will be named ASTA, so that I may beat him continually and keep him locked in my cupboard, sustaining him on a diet exclusively consisting of watery millet." [/quote] You get Keyguy points for having the most creative "Keyguy has balls now" post. I've been keeping count. I now have more balls than a Krogan, with three pairs.