[b]Name:[/b] Kushluk Von Raynor [b]Alias:[/b] Horizon [b]Age:[/b] Twenty-three years old [b]Origin:[/b] Abilene, Texas, USA [b]Mutant:[/b] Yes [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] Bio: Baby blue eyes and brown messed hair that is in stark contrast to his firm build and fierce personality. Prefers to be known simply as Kush by those who know him. Totals at around 240 lbs and 6 feet tall with tanned skin. Wears sage-colored steeled toed boots, weathered denim pants with a brown leather belt, and any earth-colored shirt he can find. Since his home was a bit warmer than New Haven he can be often found wearing a dark green trench jacket his father gave him after his tour in the military. [b]History:[/b] The oldest of three children, this young man joined the military in hopes to leave the State of Texas and make a difference in the world. Sadly for him he was not the brightest of his class nor was he the strongest, as such it was very hard for him to stand out among his peers. This did not deter the young soldier though as he fought long and hard, earning him a reputation as a very determined individual. After many months of grueling boredom in the States he was given training in preparation to deploy overseas, of which Kush had fought so long to achieve. During the deployment to a number of classified missions though he was struck with the Paige, and when recovered he was able to utilize his talents for what he thought was the betterment of his country. Yet something happened that made the young man disillusioned and lose the respect of his superiors, which led to a number of incidents where he officially disobeyed orders. In a strange turn of events Kushluk and the squad he assigned to at the time where all given a general discharge with little or nothing to show for their five years in the Armed Forces. In his travels from Texas to California he had come across his old handler from the military, Lieutenant Rebecca Ann Stillwater who was in dire straits. Being who he was Kushluk got her out of a tight spot and the two have been together since. It’s not all buddy chatting though as Rebecca is a pain in the ass and sometimes it’s a wonder that Kushluk only Drinks. [b]Gift:[/b] Gravity Hole: This ability allows Kushluk to change the Force of G’s in a select area or around him, though many varying factors play as to the effect it can cause. What is agreed on by officials who documented his powers is that the air affected will ‘shift’ in a way noticeable as it swirls in the direction the gravity flows, meaning Kushluk could allow the gravity to increase or decrease in many strange and creative ways. This could mean a wide variety of things, from collapsing objects, to allowing brief periods of weightlessness, pulling objects toward him, and even forcing the gravity to either side. While most junior scientists joke as it being an advanced form of Telekinesis, experts know otherwise. They fear that if the power was ever aloud to grow or spin out of control they could be looking at a disaster in the making. [b]Fear:[/b] Unbeatable foe: Someone or something ‘becomes’ the unstoppable specter that he fears, of which nothing seems to harm or deter it. If it was a person before hand he or she physically darkens and morphs into a shadowy shade of their former self, and this ominous form is single-minded and relentless in chasing Kush to the ends of the earth once it forms. Whatever or whoever it is comes only for Kush but will not hesitate to slay any in it’s path. Only Kush can stop the fiend and only if he either passes out from fear or regains control of himself at which point the shadowy shade will disperse while the person or object it infected will return to normal. In a brief memoir he tells a comrade, “It’s like pure freakish brute strength coming for you alone, and it doesn't matter how hard you seem to try they never stop hunting you. It never stops coming for you till you are dead on the cold floor while it laughs as it beats your lifeless corpse into a pulp. I can’t count how many times it’s happened to me, except when I open my eyes I’m perfectly fine except everyone around me looks at me wondering what the hell just happened. It’s like a nightmare but then It’s not … Crazy huh?” [b]Personality:[/b] Having been a soldier in the US military who was raised with a good rough moral code, Kush isn’t afraid to rashly leap into fight to help someone who can’t defend themselves. While not religious he respects people’s beliefs but goes by his own code of ethics that many consider simple but practical. Also of note is that he hates oppressive authority without cause but that being said he respects those in power until they prove their incompetence. While he is blunt in speech and may not mean harm it can come across that way but nevertheless he is always going to speak his mind, even if it’s a grim topic. Though considered by many to be hedonistic with a devil-may-care attitude he is open and friendly to almost everyone he meets so most people get along well with him, yet his laid back nature has led his peers to call him lazy or aloof as well. During times of crisis he adopts a military mindset and will not hesitate to taking charge, so he understandably comes across as a bit of prick in this case. Still his intentions are good in the long run and when he plans things out MOST of the time they make sense … unless he’s drunk. Be careful when he decides it’s time for a drink, as he can’t handle his liquor very well if he drinks heavily and thus he will become probably either the funniest or foulest person you ever have seen. He goes from either not giving a damn to being merry and funny to overly depressed and foul-mouthed depending on his mood and reason for drinking. Known when even slightly buzzed to dance and sing without a care in the world, but he is most notorious for making up random marching tunes with strange lyrics involving people or things around him. [b]Items:[/b] A blackened steel Leatherman knife in his pant’s pocket, his dog tags around his neck by a black shoelace, and a small flashlight along with a red laser pointer that is on his key chain. He drives a small blue Ford Ranger Truck that has seen better days but is surprisingly durable. [b]Theme:[/b] Matchbox Twenty - How Far We've Come = http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TxAGGyrvJ9c [b]Picture:[/b] [img]http://i873.photobucket.com/albums/ab296/Kushluk/Kushhaven2.jpg[/img] [b]Other:[/b]: In a fight he is a skilled marksman with most if not all-conventional weapons, and he is more than willing to cause his fair share of damage up close with a combination of his powers, his fists, or whatever else he has. As a former soldier who trained with his powers extensively, he is a very experienced and tough individual.