[h2][color=421A8C]Sapphire Rode[/color] - Cafeteria[/h2] Sapphire smiled a bit at Oswald's refusal to divulged the functions of his semblance. Even now he was on guard, they were after all from different teams. It was more than conceivable that they might end up fighting side by side but it was equally likely that they would again be forced to face off against each other again. Whether it was in a routine sparring match like today's combat class or in something more guerrilla style like in the Emerald Forest. Of course it wasn't like he knew the specifics of her semblance either. From the information he could have gathered during there last match his best guess would have been that she could become invisible which was close and yet so very far from the truth. Sapphire couldn't be sure if he meant the challenge seriously or if it was just a way to avoid giving up his semblance but it didn't matter to her, if he wanted another fight she'd give him one. [color=0054a6]"That a promise?"[/color] She asked with a certain fire behind her eyes. As she listened to Merlin's explanation of dust Sapphire continued eating. It was as far as she could tell accurate but incredibly dumbed down. Likely because he assumed there was no one at the table that actually had any experience with dust. He probably thought they just bought there ammunition and didn't give the substance another thought. [color=0054a6]"That's not exactly all there is too it. Raw dust as he says is quite unstable but it is also more powerful. Dust rounds while they aren't likely to explode on your belt don't quite have the same power as raw dust does. Then again even for someone trained it is very easy to lose control of unrefined dust. There is a certain mental component to it and it packs a hell of a punch but it is very very simple for the storm that your controlling to become a force trying to destroy you. It's like owning an untamed dog, it might protect you or it might bite your hand off."[/color] After that Sapphire cracked open her milk and took a long swig before starting in on her mashed potatoes.