Nathan stood awkwardly, watching a bit. Someone had been brought in and labelled a criminal or something, but the King said they were a hero? Beholdy confirmed that he had a Hero object, so it was fine, but still. It was resolved quickly, at least, and the party went back to normal. The King was even giving them time to get reacquainted, which was good. That said, he didn't really know them. He'd heard some of his fellow Heroes' names, and he recognised them vaguely. The name Robyn was mentioned by a person with a cloak, and the someone identified themselves as Lord Faust, who was in full armour and had an electric baton. [i]The baton and the cloak are Hero objects.[/i] Beholdy said helpfully. [color=fff200][i]Good to know.[/i][/color] Nathan replied. He didn't really know any of them closely, and judging by their voices, he hadn't known any of them. But that said, it meant that his friends were probably doing fine, and they weren't here, which was probably a good thing. He thought of the 2 people who'd given their names. He was sure that he'd heard their names thrown around in conversations, but he couldn't remember where, when or why, which was understandable. It had been an entire year, and a strange one at that. Nathan thought for a moment. Faust was mentioned, but try as he might, he couldn't really remember him well. But Robyn seemed a little more familiar. Just a bit. He thought hard for a moment. For some reason, he kept coming back to books, but he didn't know why. He didn't read at all... He suddenly recalled a conversation he'd had with his friends once. They were talking about pretty much nothing at the time, and their teacher called them to take some stuff from the library, so he went with a friend. They got the books and they chatted for a while about the library, and his friend mentioned that there was a girl who always sat in the library reading. Robyn was her name. What was her last name? He couldn't remember, but he had to confirm it. Nathan approached her and tried asking her. [color=fff200]"Say... Um, were you the girl who read a lot of books?"[/color] Nathan asked carefully.