[center][h1]*~*[color=OliveDrab]Dominic Greyjoy[/color] and [color=LightSlateGray]The Sorcerer[/color] ~ Present Day ~ The Long Shore*~*[/h1][/center] Dominic wasn't sure when he had fallen out of consciousness; when the veil of light first enveloped him, or during his journey from the Pride Lands to God knows where. The last thing he remembered since leaving the Pride Lands was waking up face-down on a beach, the cool, smooth sand and gentle ocean breeze awakening him from his slumber. Standing up slowly, Dominic dusted any remaining sand off of his clothing and started walking off in a random direction, feeling a strange...compulsion to do so; as though there was a force beckoning to him. Dominic finally understood this compulsion when he finally came across the Sorcerer who sat atop a large rock a few yards from the shoreline, his hands neatly folded in his lap. The Sorcerer remained completely still aside from the way the breeze swayed his long coat this way and that, though he seemed to come alive as Dominic came closer; turning his hooded head to look at the scruffy man directly, the blank void under the hood giving absolutely no indication as to the Sorcerer's expression or features. "Hello, Dominic. Please, have a seat." The Sorcerer bid kindly, motioning towards the ground beside him with a single gloved hand. Dominic nodded briskly before doing as he was bid, still somewhat rattled from his experience being teleported. "I always enjoy coming out here..." The Sorcerer began in a collected tone, his gaze once again fixed on the seemingly eternal ocean, the orange glow of the setting sun being cast on the distant waters. "The ocean brings me serenity, clarity, and peace of mind that I can nary find elsewhere." Dominic, who, too was looking out at the ocean, turned his gaze once again to the Sorcerer. "Why did you bring me out here, Sorcerer? You mentioned that our plans were accelerating?" Dominic finally spoke, his voice equal parts confused and unnerved. "Hm? Yes...my observations on Earth have become far more interesting as of late. Our wayward Guardian has finally appeared." Yen Sid replied, his voice never wavering as he discussed these matters as though discussing the weather. "Pinnochio? Did he think thirteen years shirking his duty was enough time spent before now coming to do his job?" Dominic demanded, his tone growing hot with anger already. "I'm afraid you are only half-correct, Dominic. The boy has appeared, yes, but he has done anything [i]but[/i] his duty. I'm afraid he has become something of an agent of chaos. Of all the children sent to Earth, he has already manipulated and seduced two of them and is attempting to do the same to a third." Yen Sid replied, his voice, though remaining calm now held suppressed frustration, akin to one putting stress on an object. "[b]What?[/b]" Was Dominic's simple reply, his lips pursed and his brows furrowed as his fists clenched until his knuckles turned white. "Our friends, Ilya and Funes have hardly been able to control him thus far...I require you out in the field. In a matter of minutes, he will be caught and arrested for public inebriation and attempted grand theft auto, where he will be held in police custody. You will speak to him on mine and yours behalf tomorrow morning." The Sorcerer directed, turning his head to look down at Dominic whilst he spoke. "I predict that our time will be coming shortly. We [i]cannot[/i] allow over thirteen years of planning to be undone by Pinnochio. I trust you to see to it the children are kept safe until the time comes." The Sorcerer finished on a somewhat more serious note. "Yes...I understand, Sorcerer." Dominic replied in a reverent tone as he stood up to his full height, preparing to activate his amulet that would send him to Earth. "Master Yen Sid...if I may ask a question..." Dominic then began, somewhat uncertainly. "Of course. What is it you wish to know?" The Sorcerer asked in return, his tone patient and casual. "When you retrieved me from the Pride Lands...why did you leave Odette behind? You left her with--with a monster of a man, to fend for herself!" Dominic's tone became slightly more hostile, though more at the situation than the Sorcerer himself. Before he could continue ranting, however, the Sorcerer raised a single hand up, and Dominic felt his voice grow silent...as though a superior force had quieted him. "You are a good man, Dominic...I admire your chivalry. But I do not think you need to worry much for our Swan Princess. Underneath her gentle and curious nature is a strength of will and character that few possess. The King of the Pride Lands possesses cruelty beyond human reckoning, yes...but he can still love in his heart. I assure you, your friend will not be harmed." The Sorcerer finished in a calm, reassuring tone. Dominic heaved out a heavy sigh. "Yes...yes, of course. I apologize." He replied, somewhat guiltily. The Sorcerer let out a soft chuckle, one of nostalgia and remembrance. "You care for her, Dominic; you care for her safety and well-being. There is no need to apologize for that. You remind me so much of myself in my younger days...young love. It is a beautiful thing, no matter how many times you see it. For two hearts to become one...there is nothing more wondrous than that, Dominic. No amount of gold, or riches, or magic, or power can truly compensate for True Love. Remember that." The Sorcerer said wistfully. "Now...you best be on your way. I will be observing your progress. Goodbye, Dominic, and safe travels." The Sorcerer bid before looking out over the sea. Dominic nodded respectfully before reaching into the top of his shirt to procure the amulet he kept hidden beneath, clenching it in the palm of his hand as he faded in a flash of light...