Hearing about the incident Alexandr's brain went into autopilot mode. He was already wearing his usual fighting gear, so he retrieved his heavy limbed bow. He fluidly slid the bow into a sheathe which he wore clipped behind his waist. The bow was extremely precious to Alexandr, and he knew every inch of its structure, without it he'd be lost. His hands then rapidly picked and filled a light quiver with a variety of arrows, some where broad headed with bone points, others where thin and metallic, like huge fletched needles. As he was doing this he thought about the situation and Kalu's almost supernatural prediction. Children were a tricky one, they were terrible hostages and far less predictable than adults due to their limited understanding of most situations, it was an unfortunate coincidence that they were such a common monster target. This train of thought lead Alexandr to run a quick scan of his knowledge of monsters, trying to find a modus operandi match. It could be a Lamashtu, which would be bad news, as they had a tendency to eat children, but lion-donkey headed eagle demons were unusual even for TERA. The torn off back door pointed more towards an ogre to him, although the child loss and water proximity meant that there was a possibility of kelpies or even kappas. "If we were making bets, than I would put my money on an ogre." Intoned Alexandr through the thick accent, as he strode towards the door. "In which case we're looking at no hostage taking, probably high casualties already, fun, fun, fun."