[hider=Epideimos] [center] [B]Name/Titles: Lord of Disease, The Poisoner, The Harvester, The Censer, The Healer, The Alchemist, The Black Duck (For children only)[/B] [B]Sex/Gender[/B]: Probably male, but you don't really want to check. [B]Pantheon/Affiliation:[/B] Deity. [B]Patronage:[/B] Disease, Plagues, Crop Failure, Illness, Pestilence, Rust, but also Medicine and Healing [B]Appearance:[/B] [img]http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/001/c/e/necromancer_wallpaper_by_borghot-d5q0x3q.jpg[/img] [indent]- A hunched figure usually completely veiled in a dark, hooded cloak. Epideimos carries a rusted scythe notched with a single hole near the tip through which a chain is linked, leading down to a small glowing censer which constantly emits a dim green smoke which pools at his feet. This is his apparition as an omen of disease. He prefers this form when conferring with other deities as it reminds them that he may strike their followers with a plague at any time. - A tall, hooded figure wearing hempen robes often found on monks. He carries a small sickle on his side with a smaller chain and censer attached to it, similar to his scythe. In this case, the gas that spews forth is black, similar to any other smoke and smells distinctly of Hennaleaf. Around his body is a myriad of pouches, bottles and vials, while a wicker basket is strapped to his back containing freshly cut herbs. It is said that in this form, he will hand out a panacea which will cure all illness known to him if a person pleads for the life of their sick relative. However, if the person lies, or attempts to sell the medicine then the bottle will explode, releasing a virulent plague. - A black hooded duck. Epideimos really likes ducks after his first trip to the surface world[/indent] [B]Parentage:[/B] [indent]To be discussed[/indent] [B]Role in the Downfall:[/B] Epideimos was the one who supplied the poison that killed Aroesus [B]Centres of Worship/Places of Power:[/B] [indent]- It is common to have a shrine to Epideimos within hospitals, pesthouses and other places of healing. Small shrines within family homes are commonplace alongside other deity worship. - The city of Epideimia is dedicated to his worship and boasts the most effective hospitals in all the land. However, it is also the city with the largest underground crypt network beneath the shining pillars. The streets are often choked with the bodies of the dead and dying as pilgrims attempt to regain his trust and favour, but often the worst symptoms come a few paces away from the shrines atop the polished steps, from fits and epilepsy to instant death. The God of Disease is not a forgiving one. [/indent] [B]Servants, Prominent Followers and Worship Base:[/B] [indent]Epideimos is revered as both a healer and despised as a bringer of disease. - Servants: The servants of Epideimos come in two forms. First are his messengers of pestilence. The most grave one is an emaciated, skeletal human bearing a censer and an empty half of an hourglass which is actually an indentured human who has greatly displeased him. This servant is a sign of an incoming plague. Less...definite servants are black rats and pigeons. His other servants represent his healing tendencies. These range from white ducks which are a sign of a minor blessing and young cherubs bearing bottles of panacea and syringes in more extreme cases. These cherubs have the deep voices of men and are actually qualified doctors. These will sometimes follow in the wake of a plague if Epideimos is remorseful. His main followers are healers, doctors and chemists, although some groups of bioterrorists seem intent to act under his name, launching plagues where they desire. Cities which possess hospitals or other medical facilities will often include a small shrine to Epideimia at the very least in an effort to gain his favour while conducting their business. [/indent] [B]Psychology:[/B] [indent]Epideimos is a living embodiment of medicine. While soft, kind and healing when treated with respect, he can quickly turn into a deadly force when slighted (too much is imbibed). While usually soft and helpful, he quickly resorts to violence when things are not going his way, reminiscent of how quickly medicine can turn to poison. Easy to trust people at face value, many people initially saw Epideimos as naiive and took advantage of him, angering him with false words about the wrongdoings of another god and goading him into a rage, at which point he would turn into the Lord of Pestilence and devastate an area. Of course, after he would learn the truth and devastate the former's area while healing the latter's. While quick to befriend and trust, his trust is not so easily re-earned, as shown by the bodies lying on the steps of Epideimia. Those who have incurred his wrath will often never find the panacea to their crimes. Incredibly self righteous, Epideimos attempts to be a paragon of virtue, but is too easily goaded into action.[/indent] [B]History:[/B] [indent]To be decided[/indent] [B]Relationships:[/B] [indent]Later[/indent][/center] [/hider] Need to discuss some things with people