Upon seeing the eruption of a transformation from something in the dark alleyway to a large, rampaging demon, the dragon in her compact form figured she didn't want to involve herself in he mess, and turned her heels from the shocked ice cream seller to leave for her tribe. Syrilth knew there were many demons and dragons roaming around the human town, blending in among the humans. It was a good thing that she had already bought the ice cream she so wanted before the chaos ensued. She reached the outskirts of Gold Village, and was licking the ice cream. She was palpably surprised though, when she saw what looked like a humanoid tree stomping its way into the forest, making the ground vibrate beneath its heavy footsteps. She raised her eyebrows. It was quite a rare occasion that she'd see something like that. She decided to follow after it, plus it was also heading to the direction of where her tribe was, but was cut to the chase by a red-eyed, black and grey cat as it leaped off the branch of a nearby tree. Both their scents made it known to Syrilth that they were demons. After following the cat for quite a while, careful not to make any sounds, observing its movements, how excited it was, energetically running following the traces of the tree demon, Syrilth stopped about some thirty meters behind the familiar barrier surrounding her tribe, and hid behind a tree. She resorted to observing the cat's actions. Her ice cream had been finished long before, and at some point she threw the stick away while chasing after the cat. After watching a few failed attempts of it trying to break through the barrier, the last attempt being quite filled with effort, Syrilth decided to reveal herself to the cat demon. She clearly saw the disappointment in its figure. What piqued her interest though, was its sketchbook that had opened to a page with the drawing of a dragon. When she greeted the cat, though, another dragon in his compact form went out the barrier and picked it up, then went through the barrier again. This caused disappointment to arise in Syrilth. She sighed.