I haven't rped in a very long time so I apologize if my writing is a little sub-par Theme Song:[youtube]BNZzJELbFRI[/youtube] Name: Krow a.k.a Vlad or Red Race: Demon, Looks like a Vampire Age: 439 Gender: Male Appearance: [hider=Demon Form][img=http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs48/f/2009/169/f/a/demon_by_Den3221.jpg][/hider] [hider=Vampire Form][img=http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/073/f/3/vampire_by_aditya777-d4sptcg.jpg][/hider] [hider=Wolf Form, See History][img=http://howlingforjustice.files.wordpress.com/2010/06/wolf-gray-color-beautiful-kewl1.jpg][/hider] Krow has taken the form of a vampire he met while in Si'Hansa. He has stark white hair a tattoo on his forehead of his tribe in the badlands. He has the red eyes of a vampire and a small scar on his chin. His back has a larger version of the tattoo on his forehead and scars long his chest. He normally wears dark clothing, such as a grey shirt and a black coat. His teeth are sharp and Krow always seems to have a smile on his face, though it's always just a little bid too wide and his eyes are little bit unfocused, they like aren't used to moving normally. Personality: To sum Krow up in one word, Destructive. He spent a third of his life living in the badlands and the Kill to survive motto has stuck to him. Coupled with his natural demonic side, Krow can be merciless and cruel. By night, he runs a large human trafficking group and sells humans off as slaves or blood bags in Dragoncrest and by day he runs a bar in which he imports humans and vampires from his night job to "work". He is known to kill for fun and has a reputation of ruthlessness. Brief history: "Born from ash, born from rock. Born from fire and earth. Krow. Krow. Krow. Krow! Krow! KROW! KROW! KROW!" Born in the underhell, the 5th layer of the demonic realm, Krow became a servant of Narthax, the ruler of the 5th layer. Small and weak, he was only an imp at the time and could only manage the smallest of tasks, and his powers were almost non-existent. Thus, he was punished regularly for failure at tasks. As he grew, his powers grew and he made fewer mistakes. He became closer and closer to becoming a true demon. Imps however, are still Imps and thus he was still regularly mistreated by many demons. But, this is how the world works, or at least his world. This is the way of demons. Destructive. Cruel. They do not honor weakness and thus those mistreated do not honor weakness. On and on the cycle continues so calling a demon cruel and destructive is like calling a vampire a monster for sucking blood. It's in their nature. We are what we were born to be, and Krow is what he was born to be. By the time he turned 30 he became a full fledged Demon. His true body was formed and moved to the 1st layer of the underhell. There he felt the first taste of power. He watched over the newer souls and demons under the control of Synthian, the 1st layer ruler. By the time he was 50, he stood as one of the high overseers of the 1st layer. When he turned 98, Synthian deemed him too much a threat to her power and cast him down into the mortal realm, the badlands. Here is where Krow made his first mortal kill. He wandered the badlands for a few weeks, not starving or dying of thirst since he was a demon. He was attacked by a tribe who didn't understand the true meaning of the word demon. 20 men came at him. He knocked the firsts head off in a single blow and ripped the second's arm off. He slaughtered the group and afterwards, as the rest of the tribe cowered in fear, spoke the words that would earn him the nickname [i]Red[/i] "What is this red that comes from you mortals? Why do you show such an obvious weakness to your enemies?" As he wandered the Badlands the tribe followed and respected him, almost as a god. He ruled like a demon. He killed all who spoke against him and killed more just for fun. Here is where Krow took the first steps towards becoming the demon we know today. Here is where he learned of the world and how it worked. Here is where he learned the inner turnings of men's minds. Here is where he became a Tyrant. he spent a good 100 years in the badlands. He became one of the most wanted creatures in that region of the world and he killed bandits and bounty hunters alike. By the time he was 210, Krow had made his way southeast, out of the badlands into Si'Hansa. Here he began to use his powers. He took the form of a Human at first, though this soon proved problematic. After causing an uproar in the slave market he took on the form of a Vampire and began to instead of kill, watch. Here he learned of civilization. Here he learned of the races beyond their looks and powers. He learned of their friends and foes and most importantly, he learned of the world. Krow soon made a name for himself as a body guard. He wasn't yet the manipulating demon we know of yet he wasn't the primal beast who entered the badlands. He was Krow. He was a demon. He was powerful. When he was around the age of 300, Krow moved west into the Enchanted Forest. There his more primal side re-entered the world. He took the form of a wolf and wandered the Forest, killing and eating whatever prey he stumbled upon. Here is where he came to know of Dragoncrest. He entered the city by taking the form of a Vampire and whimsically named himself "Vlad" He quickly learned of the illegal dealings that existed in Dragoncrest and he soon took charge of a trafficking group and enthusiastically brought pain upon many. He later opened a bar called [i]The Red[/i] in which he turned some of those in his human trafficking enterprise in to whores and auctioned them off every night to the highest bidder. He gains a steady profit from the enterprise and causes all the pain and suffering that a Demon lusts for. For now, Dragoncrest will be his home. But who knows. Immortals do not stay in one place for long. Powers: Teleportation, Possesion, Super Strength, Shapeshifting Weapons/Accessories: Krow carries no weapons, no amulets, nothing special, mainly because of the Badland's motto, Kill to survive, kill to thrive. The second reason being that he feels an immortal being should have no need to carry man made objects. Suggestions: [hider=How I see the Badlands][img=https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ5-tXAibtOFpeNUZFw6ZbuyFOKxKu10uXkwCG57IeM2SvYXK65iw][/hider]