*~*~*Collaboration between YoshiSkittlez and I as Alan Woodard and Morgan Reginald*~*~* It took Alan nearly a half an hour to regain himself. With the help of the alcohol, once his tears had dried he had pushed himself back onto his feet and simply began walking again. He couldn't quite remember what it was that he was supposed to be doing, other than it was slightly important, but the nagging feeling at the tip of his mind quickly dissipated as he passed by a 2010 Lamborghini Gallardo. Stopping himself mid-step, his blue eyes looked over the car again. And again. And again. Turning his head on a swivel, noting that he was particularly alone and the owner to the car was more likely than not asleep in their circular bed with a couple of hoes and a bottle of French wine, he knew that the opportunity was just too good to pass up. His fingers began to twitch, a pulse of adrenaline shooting through his veins as he decided then and there he needed this car. Impaired judgement or not, even sober Alan would have had a hard time walking away from such an easy opportunity. But sober Alan would have at least had the smarts to have the intentions of bringing it back. His thief fingers made quick work of the lock with the bobby pin he had used earlier as well as a couple of other tools he kept on his person that most of the time had something to do with one or more of his magic acts. The alarm was exceptionally simple to disable, he had seen quite a number of cars with this particular system, so all he had to do now was to pop open the plastic cover on the steering column to get to the wires. Humming to himself a bit as he reached into the car and popped open the glove compartment, he found a screwdriver inside and returned to the plastic column and began to pry it open. "I got no strings to hmm hmm hmm. Ta da da da, ta make me frown..." Setting aside the steering column panel, Alan squinted his eyes to see into the inner workings of the car, eventually finding the wiring harness connector that held a large bundle of different wires. The sight would have been intimidating so someone who didn't know what they were doing, but Alan was more than experienced. He started to examine the wires a bit more carefully, isolating the primary power supply for the ignition switch, ignition wires and the starter. Reaching a free hand to his back pocket, he procured a small pocket knife and flipped the blade open, getting ready to start stripping the battery wires. "I had strings, but now I'm free! There aren't no fuckin strings on me!" Morgan sighed as she walked back towards the inn. She had just gotten out of the police station, finished filling out paperwork for the arrest and arraignment of Mr. Raymond Wren. Paperwork usually took hours to complete, much to Morgan's slight frustration. But...it was still part of her job. Of course, she had been planning to go and get herself something to eat before going back to the inn. However, something, or rather someone, else caught her attention. She squinted her eyes to see a man, sitting in the driver's seat...hotwiring while singing. She walked towards him, and as she got closer, she recognized his face, and heard his lyrics clearly. Well, what the hell kind of a detective would she be if she just let him steal a car right in front of her?! She called out to him as she approached, not quite recognizing him as Alan yet, "Hey, Pinocchio! Step out of the car!" As soon as she had his attention she flashed her badge to show that she was part of the police, ready to chase after him if he tried to run. At hearing his true name, Alan rolled his head upwards a little bit to see the faint outline of what he was sure was a woman, silhouetted against the lone street lamp on the corner that otherwise cascaded her entire figure in complete blackness. Squinting his eyes a bit as the light from the street lamp seemed considerably brighter to him for no reason at all, he held up his hand to shield his face, still holding the pocket knife in his grasp and completely missing that she was trying to show him something. "Hey! Hey, you... you don't know me. Don't act like ya know me. Only m'friendsss can... can call me tha'... if I had any friends..." Alan slurred his words together, followed by an unnaturally high-pitched sort of giggle finding himself rather amusing. "Just, just gimme a secon' lady an... and I'll give ya a ride when it's your'turn, mkay? But we have ta be good little children an' wait in line, or... or The Blue Fairy won't be happy and frown. And she's kinda scary when she frowns..." The detective gave him an incredulous look, and she muttered to herself "Okay...someone's had [i]way[/i] too much to drink," She glared at him and she said to him sternly and seriously, "Sir. Put down the pocket knife, and put your hands on your head! This is your warning!" She wasn't sure if he would comprehend and follow her directions, but she was prepared for the worst case scenario. Something similar to that of a giggle and a scoff came from Alan. Either his brain wasn't able to process that he was in some serious trouble, or he just didn't care. Either way, he lowered his hand back down, blinking a bit at the light shining into his face and picked the wire back up and started to strip it with the edge of his knife, going on as if she wasn't even there. "Hi-ho the me-ri-o! Tha's the only way ta go. I wan' the world ta know, nothin ever worries me!" Morgan sighed and shook her head and she commented "You really should be worried," She then grabbed the back of his shirt collar, and she pulled him out of the car, to the side of the car, in front of the hood, and slammed his head onto the hood. She pulled out her handcuffs, and she said to him seriously as she placed them on his wrists "You're under arrest for the attempt of car theft," She read him his Miranda Rights as she dragged him back to the police station (which actually wasn't too far away) "Hey hey hey hey!" Alan felt his body moving without his permission, being dragged out of the car and dropping the knife in the process. He let out a hiss of pain as his already cut and bruised face hit the cool metal of the car hood and again his arms were being jerked back behind him at a very unpleasant angle. Hearing, rather than feeling the cold steel of the handcuffs slapping down on his wrist, Alan couldn't help the soft chuckle that came from him as she began to push him down the street. "You know, if ya just wanted ta get kinky you coulda just asked, mamma." He said, trying to look over his shoulder and back at the woman who had taken a sudden interest in bondage. Soon Morgan had reached the police station with Alan. She emptied his pockets and to find that he had a necklace along with a few decks of cards, a cell phone, a pair of ladies' underwear, some trick quarters, a lighter, various other objects and a drug that she was able to identify immediately as heroin. Another reason for her to put him in a cell. Before she did, she got the photos and his fingerprints. She took out the picture of Alan that the security guard had given her and she nodded to herself as if to say that the man she had arrested was indeed Alan. She sighed as she started to get to work on the paperwork. Upon being shoved into the cell where his handcuffs were removed, Alan stumbled forward, tripping on his own two feet and went tumbling down onto the floor. Raising up by his chest, Alan blinked a couple times at his surroundings and rolled over onto his back, watching Morgan leave to return back to the front room where all the desks were and frowned. "Hey, if this is gonna work you gotta be [i]in[/i] the cell with me, mamma!" Alan called out, but his words seemed to fall on deaf ears. Pulling himself back up and onto his feet, Alan pushed himself into the bars, putting his head through as far as he could go to try to look down the hall and spot the woman, but wasn't able to. "Hey! I'm talking to you! Thats all I want, I just wanna talk. How come you don't wanna talk huh? You too good for me, is that it? HEY!" Getting nothing in response, Alan blew a stream of air from his mouth upwards to the strand of hair that had fallen over his eyes, attempting to get it out of the way only to have it fall right back in place. Taking a moment to think (or trying to) Alan realized that the woman wouldn't return to him by any normal means. Fine. He could do not normal. He could do it very well. "When you wish upon a star! Makes no difference who you are! I don't remember this part right here, your dreams... come true..." As he was singing, another man in a different cell threw a quarter at Alan's head and shouted "Shut up! I'm tryin' ta sleep here!" "Ow!" Bending over to pick up the quarter, Alan smirked and placed the cent into his pocket before returning to the bars and stuck out his hand between them, waving at the man who had thrown the quarter at him. "You are too kind, m'good sir! And fer m'next trick! Procuring a shiny metal shiv to shove up your ass!" The man waved his middle finger at Alan in response, before he lowered it and tried to get to sleep again on his cot. Morgan sighed as she rubbed her temples as the man she just arrested kept making a ruckus. She had considered going and asking him questions about where he got the heroin, but decided not to, considering that he's drunk off his ass. She'll try asking him tomorrow when he's sober. Sighing, Alan pressed his face agains the cool metal bars again and continued on with his song, though a bit quieter this time as he was quickly running out of energy. He kept at it for a good twenty minutes before exhaustion (and inebriation) came over him and he slumped down onto the cold, cement floor and finally fell asleep.