Try as she might, she couldn't edge closer to Priscilla after the fight and even if she could, she was certain that the pink-haired girl would give her the cold shoulder after such a humiliating defeat. [i]Some wounds are healed by time[/i], she remembered her tutor elaborating when they were discussing the White Fang. [i]And others never heal at all.[/i] Her eyes slid over towards some of her other class members, such as the fox-girl who Rakim was against. There was still bad-blood between humanity and Faunus and douchebags like Rakim really didn't help the cause of showing other species that humans had changed for the better. When they were leaving combat class, Rayna made sure to raise that one with them. "Rakim is a nice fighter but a poor hunter. Down-talking a lady like that is not only damn rude but if he ever wants to get anywhere in life, he'll realise that it's not the way to go. If he does it again, I'll have no choice but to go down there and beat him myself." Her voice was firm, this was her final point on the matter. Rayna could be a nice little mother to her team but as soon as one of them crossed the line, she would be there to give them a healthy serving of punishment. Maths was, well... difficult. She had always been taught tactics by her father directly and he heavily enforced that maths became a staple part of her tactical learning. Logic based decisions were key on a battlefield and she appreciated that, which was why she at least [i]tried[/i] to get through most of the questions. Where she fell short, Victor was seemingly there to point out some information that would help her. The guy was a pretty damn good teacher, as it turned out. She didn't know why they didn't let him have the rest of the day off, considering what had happened to him, but his actions were appreciated. History was a much easier subject for her. That, of course, didn't mean it was easy. Unlike the others, Rayna was blessed with a privileged lifestyle but unfortunately, she wasn't exactly blessed with the cranium of a genius. Quite the opposite, in fact. Both of the subjects that weren't combat-related, she struggled in, which didn't help the feelings of confidence that she was on-par with these guys. Finally, however, the entire ordeal ended with the bell for lunch. "Go and sit down, Victor, you're injured and I'm pretty certain I owe it to you. You would have totally trounced that Greyson guy if you had your arm on properly, after all!" She babbled positively, guiding him over to a seat before turning on her heels and disappearing into the crowds of people. There is very little advantages to being small and lithe but slipping through crowds is one of them. Eventually, she ended up near the front of the line when an actual line was formed from the chaos. For lunch, she decided that the salad looked a much better option than the pasta-soup thing. She knew Victor probably wouldn't be a big fan of salad so she got some chicken sandwiches and fries for him. Once she had taken a side of apple slices and got milk cartons for the both of them, she paid up and brought Victor his food. When he went to pull out some money for it, she shook her head decisively. "No, trust me, I'm not exactly lacking in funds." Not true - she only had a small bit of money from home but she had been completely cut off from funding from her parents. Like it or not, but it appeared that if she wanted to support a decent lifestyle, she would have to find some sort of job on the guidelines. Living a life of an exile wasn't very pretty but she valued it - being rich and getting everything you ever wanted is a poor preparation for life. Looking up, she took note of the other students who were engaged in brisk conversation. "Guard my stuff, Victor, I have something to do." It seemed like something was on her mind as she turned and headed towards were Team Rampaged had set up camp. She hovered beside their table for a few seconds, stuck in a momentary lull on what exactly should be said to a girl that you just completely embarrassed in front of the whole school. "Hey, Priscilla. I know what I did was completely wrong and it was probably really embarrassing, what with all the guys in your team. However, if you're going to take anything from it then maybe I could offer you a tip? Sometimes, our weaknesses aren't in the forms of our fighting. Your weakness is that you worry about how others think of you. I took advantage of that and I destroyed your will to resist." For the first time today, Rayna was actually making a lot of sense. "My weakness is my honour." She confided with a curt nod before blushing a little - she probably looked like a twit, standing in front of her whole team offering her tips on tactics.