[h2][color=421A8C]Sapphire Rode[/color] - Cafeteria[/h2] [color=0054a6]"Diamond right?"[/color] Sapphire asked her name before continuing to respond to her question. [color=0054a6]"The whole point of those sparring matches is that they weren't fair, there were no rules besides a basic time limit and some stuff to prevent anyone from getting really hurt. When the real fights come no one is going to care if there semblance is more battle worthy or fair then yours, they're going to try and kick you ass anyway they can and that was exactly what Glynda wanted to see in these sparring matches. If you aren't going to give it your all then Beacon isn't the place for you."[/color] Sapphire continued to ate listening to conversations that were starting all around them. Diamond's response to her question about foster care peaked her interest. Sapphire had known a number of street kids, not well given how untrustworthy they were but well enough to know that not many of them ever gave up anything freely or without gain for themselves and that included personal information. The answer that Diamond gave her seemed carefully chosen and mostly devoid of any real information, it was the kind of response that Sapphire usually gave when asked about her family. It meant that Diamond was hiding something a lot deeper but then again it wasn't really any of Sapphire's business. While finishing her mashed potatoes Sapphire decided not to comment. The next conversation Sapphire became interested in was the one a few boys were having a couple of seats away, mostly giving excuses for why they had lost there sparring matches. The thing that really caught Sapphire's attention however was when one of the boys questioned why they needed to learn how to fight humans when there enemy was the Grimm. Sapphire was almost incredulous. [color=0054a6]"Hey kid,"[/color] she said tapping him on the shoulder. [color=0054a6]"Are you stupid or just plain simple?"[/color] She asked. It was impossible that he could actually think that the only thing they would ever fight in there life was the Grimm. [color=0054a6]"Of course we need to know how to fight humans. The Hunters aren't the only ones with semblance or the power of aura and not everyone uses that ability for good. What happens when we have to face off against a group like the White Fang or a criminal organization of aura users. If you don't know how to fight your fellow humans you won't last day."[/color] Sapphire went back to her lunch.