[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/SVM8PpY.png?1[/img] [h1]Ashton Rowles[/h1] [b]Age[/b] 18 [b]Height[/b] 5'10 [b]Occupation[/b] Scullion[/center] [h2]Personality[/h2] [center]Asher's not the type to fancy staying cooped up in a castle. Adventurous and curious, Asher's dreamt of traveling since he was young. With those dreams dashed by his indefinite servitude, Asher's resentful toward the nobility and often grumbles under his breath while working. He can be rather wary and defensive around people he doesn't really know and has a strong sense of pride. He's often chided for having an attitude and talking back, but ensuring his family's safety means too much to him for him to do anything drastically out of line. He doesn't have a lot of patience and gets irritated as easily as he gets flustered. Despite being hard-headed, Asher is friendly and caring towards people he likes and becomes extremely loyal to people he cares for.[/center] [h2]Background[/h2] [center]Asher grew up in a village not too far from the castle. His mother was a seamstress and his father was a blacksmith. Together, the two of them were able to support a family, so they planned on having more kids. His mother miscarried once, then lost an infant to disease. Distraught, she vowed to never attempt to have another kid and focused her energy on her work and Asher. His father was growing increasingly bitter as he grew older and began drinking more frequently. Once he had to quit his job due to a back injury, he devoted all his time and money to drinking and gambling. When the family couldn't pay their taxes, Asher offered to serve in the castle in exchange. He's been working as a scullion for almost four months.[/center] [h2]Strengths/Weaknesses[/h2] [center][b]Strengths[/b] cooking, acting, sewing [b]Weaknesses[/b] strength, pride, stubbornness[/center] [h2]Fears[/h2] [center]Asher fears most animals (especially large ones), his parents dying, and letting down people he cares about.[/center]