[quote=@CirusArvennicus] Mm, on second thought, I'm not sure if I have the energy or dedication for another RP. It seems I may have overextended myself. Sorry to tease you like that. [/quote] Now that is a pity. This has put quite a dampener on the creation of a seventh team. Still, I'd much rather someone not join than join and let me down, so thank you for your honesty. With that in mind we have an open spot. EDIT: THIS IS THE HAPPIEST NINJA I'VE EVER HAD! Of course, Awesomoman! We'd be delighted to have you! Right now three other people in the waiting list are working on characters to make a seventh team, if you want to join them in the effort then you're good to start reading, start brainstorming, and get jiggly. Welcome to HOB!