Name: Autumn Sanson Age: 32 (527 including Stasis periods) Gender: Female Appearance: [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=]Source[/url] Canon, AU, or OC?: OC Universe of Origin: Skypiercers (OC Universe) Personality: [indent]Slightly cool, but honest and (mostly)friendly. She enjoys hobbies like baking, gardening and crosswords and hates wasting time and dogs. Autumn has a tendency to follow the letter of the orders rather than the intent.[/indent] Abilities/Weapons: [indent]As a battlemage Autumn fuels her magic with the latent power in the dead. She specializes in destructive fire magic. Once the corpse is spent it is destroyed and she must find another to use. While not as powerful as a certain alien races mass to energy converters, a single body still holds enough energy to clear a room of people. A side effect of her powers enable Autumn to detect the presence of the dead within a fairly significant distance although she has to be within a dozen feet or so to be able to make use of it. In the absence of anything to fuel her magic Autumn is mildly proficient with both bladed weapons and firearms, preferring the portability of a pistol. While unnecessary for her magic, Autumns suit provides protection for her in the vacuum of space and other hostile environments. It's moderately bullet proof and can stand up to bladed weapons. In a combat situation her first line of defence is her magic.[/indent] Backstory: [indent]A thousand years after mankind first entered space the nature of death had been explored to a profound depth. The power held in the bodies of the dead were used to fuel vehicles and power entire cities. Like all new technologies, it wasn't long before it began to be used for war. Along with battleships, aircraft and armour fuelled by the dead came the Battlemage. In a battle of tens of thousands, a hundred battlemages on either side could win the day. Autumn is an Airbourne Battlemage, leaping into combat from orbit into the heaviest of fighting. She once belonged to a free roaming mercenary ship half of a millennium old, lying in stasis until undertaking a job and returning to suspended animation when the work was done. Still fighting after taking part in a half dozen wars, she has retired from being a mercenary but a life of constant fighting has left her unable to adjust to a peaceful lifestyle even with the excessive pay that she left with. Buying a ship after leaving the mercenary outfit, she broke out into the multiverse after faking her death while working for the losing side of a violent civil war. With her money untouchable in her old universe she actively looks for work and will happily sell her abilities to just about anyone, whoever they are.[/indent] Faction: Factionless