[center][img]http://th01.deviantart.net/fs22/PRE/i/2008/020/4/8/Nicolai_2007_Design_by_YoshiyukiKatana.jpg[/img] Appearance medium length auburn hair, silver eyes, slender build, clean shaven (unlike in photo), average stature, natural tanned skin. [h1]Sebastian Cain[/h1] [h2]Age[/h2] 20 [h2]Personality[/h2] Bas holds himself up high in the courts, and plays the part of an obedient prince for his father and mother. This mask he wears to hid the longing to strip himself bare of all the duties he does not wish to comply with. Underneath is just a boy who wants to see the world and take in as much as he cant before his years are through. Bas is only himself when their is no one to watch him, keeping his true opinions and actions to himself as if they were improper. Trying to be "good" for his parents. [h2]Background[/h2] Bas was born in the castle walls. When he was a young child he had attempted to leave and run away on the back of the castle hound. Needless to say that didn't go well and since he realized the toll his desires took on the family he tamed himself down. Once he had mastered the art of hiding his feelings in the presence of others his life started to improve, or at least the image of did. The peasant folk began to see as they did his father, although he questioned in the back of is mind whether this was a positive thing or not. Bas spends as little time with his family as possible so that he can feel like himself. He keeps up with his studies, and attends all functions when needed. This unfortunately includes the balls and festivals that he is responsible for planning. Of course all plans get review by a counselor or the queen before any action is taken. [h2]Strengths[/h2] Writing, directing, sword fighting, sleeping [h2]Weaknesses/Fears[/h2] Disappointment from his parents, having other see who he really is, spiders[/center]