[quote=@Roman] P.S. Is it a flat requirement to fill out the arc pitch section of the CS? I have many arcs to play with John but giving a good three of four of them away seems to spoil the fun somewhat. [/quote] You don't have to spoil anything. That part of the CS is just to give us an idea of where you are going with the character. As for villains, I was thinking of putting together some sort of collab system to deal with that. The problem with making villains actual full time playable characters is the threat of a player disappearing. If Green Lantern disappears what do we do with Sinestro? Plus if, for example, I wanted Lex and Superman to interact and fight in a certain way or I had a plan for a Superman arc I wouldn't want to tell the player playing Lex how to play their character. See what I'm saying? However I do see the potential in players playing as villains and there's no denying that there is a fun dynamic to that. So I've been thinking that if a player were to play a villain, the hero could ask them to do so. The player playing as the villain would temporarily take that character over and write a sort of collab arc with the hero. And say if Batman wants to, he can allow a player to take over as the joker every time Batman has an arc against the Joker. I am of course open to suggestions on how to make this work!