[quote=@Vandy] You don't have to spoil anything. That part of the CS is just to give us an idea of where you are going with the character. [/quote] Cool. I'll include a few bits regardless, just so you're re-assured of my commitment to the character. [quote] As for villains, I was thinking of putting together some sort of collab system to deal with that. The problem with making villains actual full time playable characters is the threat of a player disappearing. If Green Lantern disappears what do we do with Sinestro? Plus if, for example, I wanted Lex and Superman to interact and fight in a certain way or I had a plan for a Superman arc I wouldn't want to tell the player playing Lex how to play their character. See what I'm saying? [/quote] My only real response to this particular concern is that, as a GM, you have to trust your players. Without trust in a player's commitment to a game and their character, you can't truly be confident enough to start your game in the first place. One should always assume 100% player dedication when launching a story, otherwise there's no point launching it in the first place. This is a problem when flipped as well; the Sinestro player could leave just as easily as the Lantern one, and then the Lantern has to end the arc regardless. If a player leaves, their character is either taken up, or quietly put away, hero or villain. A Character should never be short of a player, or, failing that, a resolution and further plots to pursue. [quote] However I do see the potential in players playing as villains and there's no denying that there is a fun dynamic to that. So I've been thinking that if a player were to play a villain, the hero could ask them to do so. The player playing as the villain would temporarily take that character over and write a sort of collab arc with the hero. And say if Batman wants to, he can allow a player to take over as the joker every time Batman has an arc against the Joker. I am of course open to suggestions on how to make this work! [/quote] I think any two players controlling contesting characters need to cooperate and collaborate, no matter the moral alignment. Batman and Superman are not known to be 100% with each other 100% of the time; if and when such a situation arises in this game, you and BlackSam will have to collaborate, much the same as a hero would with his/her villain, to reach a suitable resolution. Any two players playing together, allies or enemies, will have to collaborate. However, I don't think any player should have to - [i]need[/i] to - relinquish control of their character in order to reach that solution. If two players can't agree, then, with respect, that's part of your role as GM to have the final call. It's all manageable. On a seperate note: [@Ruby], in the canon and my personal lore, John Constantine has a brief, young relationship with Zatanna. Is this something you would like me to edit out (easily enough) or are you okay with the history being present?