[quote=@Vandy] [list][*] As we are making our own DCU, solo story arcs are highly encouraged and will be everyone's first arc. Solo stories cannot be any longer than three posts however so make these long posts rich in detail and story. The three post rule is to keep everything moving as RP's can tend to chug when nothing is happening. [/list] [/quote] Since I was thinking of getting started on my first arc, since it will be solo. I just wanted a few points of clarification. 1) Does it have to be 3 posts long? Or can it be less? (I get that it cannot be more) 2) Is the first arc their "debut" per say? 3) Will the solo arcs all happen around the same time in the timeline? 4) Lastly, if it is their "debut" do they have to clash with a "villain"?