Katarina is not the only one vacating a steam car today. Solomon spills out of one that comes to a sudden stop. He hurriedly presses some money into the extended hand of the car's driver and then fast walks his way to the ship, casually waving at dock workers nearby. As casual as those waves are, there is an urgency to his step that is, until he comes to a full stop. Because... there is the ship, pretty much ready to depart at this point and there is some luggage, but a very key and important component is missing. The passenger. He turns to the dock workers, the few that have wandered in and out of the area. However, nobody seems to be interested in helping out. So, he begins walking the way he came and that is when something catches his eye. He walks to a crumpled piece of paper? It looks more like a crumpled poster of some sort. Solomon approaches and picks it up, straightening it out. His eyes go a little wide. "Well, well." He crumples the poster again, putting it away. He looks into the alley that appears to be connected to his only lead and pats the pistols holstered at his belt, before he breaks into a run and dives into said alley, hoping to run into his missing passenger.