The Moose stands ten feet tall, extremely powerful kicks, antlers can kill a wolf easily and they are easy to be agressive [img][/img] The deer stand eight feet tall, antlers are sharp, their kicks and bites are what make them deadly. [img][/img] The Mountain lions , Big, mean and will kill cubs if they find them [img][/img] Spirit Wolves, They stand around eight feet tall, they CAN'T speak to touch a living wolf. They merely look and do nothing as their souls are to this realm and all past lives have been forgotten and now they live here like theur where alive. They speak all forms of tounge, all animals and often they are seen with a mysteryous white she wolf (Hint) They can only talk if they are allowed by Amora, each one is reborn ina different symbol to their heads, some are stars (leaders) some of golden blue swirls (Mothers) some of green glowing orbs on their forheads(Pups) and others are a grand symbol of paw print (Elders) [img][/img] Bird Life - Birds in this realm are all spiritsa usally , they can talk with other spirits but not the living. But only one owl can speak to the wolves and thats Amora's Companion. [img][/img]