The weight of his words did not fall lightly on Trixy's ears. Alistair trusted her enough to be charged with tracking down his beloved daughter. Whoever was responsible for this slight against the Blackmoore family would pay dearly for their folly. Madame Vengeance would destroy them all and leave ruin in her wake. Trixy prioritized her plan of attack. If the group was splitting up, she had to make sure the area was clear before dawn. Beatirx darted off into a nearby alley and awakened a sleeping bum and gathered a few druggies up. She compelled the humans to get to work cleaning up the docks, telling them they would face a painful death if they didn't get it done before sunrise. She then told them that they would forget everything that happened once they were done cleaning. The humans simply nodded, clearly taken by her spell. The simple minded were always easier to control. Beatrix turned her attention now to more pressing matters. She looked out in the direction that most of the rogues fled, but she was more clever than that. The rogue that had Maria wouldn't go the same way the others had, it would be to obvious. The scent of vampire was everywhere in the area, making it hard to track by smell, so she extended outward and sniffed around the circular perimeter surrounding where the attack had occurred. First Beatrix picked up the scent of the large group of rogues that fled in the same direction... then the musky scent that Klaus left behind.. and finally. "Maria" she whispered and reached out with her mind. The wispy tendrils of consciousness found nothing to latch onto, Maria was either too far away or she was... NO! Trixy shook her head, not willing to entertain the thought. This was a power play, Maria would be kept alive and held hostage... at least that was Trixy's hope. Trixy took off in the direction of Maria's scent, her speedy footfalls barely making a sound on the pavement. The trail took her through some very [i]questionable[/i] areas of the city. Her leather trench billowed out behind her as she jumped down from a rooftop. Maria's scent was fresh and strong here, perhaps the rogues were behind the very door in front of her. A door that remained suspiciously unguarded. Trixy hid idly in the shadows and attempted to listen for anything that could help lead her in her search.