[hider=Constantine] [center][h2][color=Goldenrod]Constantine[/color][/h2][/center] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/bU9YjqM.jpg?1[/img][/center] [b]| Character |[/b] [indent]John 'Constantine' Constantine[/indent] [b]| Age |[/b] [indent]24[/indent] [b]| Appearance |[/b] [indent]John Constantine is a tall, lanky english fella with extremely messy, dirty blonde hair, permanent unkempt stubble, and a very particular fashion sense: trousers, boots, white shirt, red tie, and the same tan trench coat he's been wearing for the last five years, and many more to come. He scowls a lot, and is never seen without a cigarette, his lighter, or both in combination, but is always willing to crack a joke and jump to the aid of those in need of help.[/indent] [b]| Powers/Abilities |[/b] [indent]While Constantine's growing magical prowess is most certainly not to be dismissed out-of-hand, he rarely relies on it, especially in the midst of combat. He faces his challenges instead armed with the cunning and quick-thinking that his family line is nearly legendary for, as well as his quickly-deepening knowledge of the paranormal and occult and his skill at manipulating friend and foe alike - which, combined, are often more useful than the spells, rituals, and curses at his command. John Constantine is considered by many to be one of the world's greatest con-men. Constantine's sorcery is still a a force to be considered, however. With knowledge of, and practice in, Evocation (the calling of supernatural entities), Illusion (the distortion and misdirection of the senses), and Necromancy (the summoning of, and communication with, the dead), Constantine's magic spans many fields. He also has a few protective magics at his command, helping to shield him from both physical and supernatural attacks, as well as protecting his mind somewhat from psychic offenses such as telepathy, possession, and mind control. John's offensive magic is less practiced than his defenses, but still capable of mild electrokinesis, telekinesis, pyrokineses and immobilisation. John's magic has also permanently granted him a form of Third Sight, allowing him to see Demons, Angels, and Half-Breed for their true selves constantly, regardless of what disguises and illusions they have thrown up to hide themselves among mortals. Finally, beyond his wielding of the arcane arts, Constantine is also versed in the use of stage magic, including sleight of hand, pick-pocketing, and escapology. He also collects many magical - or anti-magical - artifacts, some of which may (or may not) prove useful.[/indent] [b]| Weaknesses |[/b] [indent]Bullets, swords, knives, particularly pointy sticks...John's mortal, despite his magic, and is subject to all the frailties of man. Beyond that, he's got a temper and is easily riled up,a nd even when level-headed his decisions and the actions connected are often rash and reckless. His luck is poor, his plans go awry, his magic fails him, and things just get the drop on him. Constantine lives a charmed life, but he's not sure if he's not mixing up 'charmed' with 'hexed'.[/indent] [b]| History | [/b] [indent]John Constantine was born into the shit that would follow him for the rest of his life - and appropriately enough, he arrived in Liverpool, 1992. His twin asphyxiated in the womb on John's umbilical cord, and his mother, Mary-Anne Constantine, died giving birth to him and his stillborn brother because an earlier forced abortion had weakened her womb, causing it to rupture and bleed out. Thomas Constantine, John's father, and the man who had forced the abortion upon his wife, was incapable of accepting the responsibility of Mary-Anne's death, and instead blamed his surviving son, John - and they grew up harboring a deep dislike of one another. Thomas had little involvement in John's upbringing, and much of his care was left to his older sister, Cheryl Constantine. In 2004, after their father descended into alcoholism and was imprisoned for petty theft and voyeurism, Cheryl and John moved to Northampton to live with their Aunt and Uncle for a brief time, before returning after Thomas' release a year later in 2005. It was their return to both Liverpool and their father that set John off onto his journey into the magical and occult. John had discovered his ancestry in Northampton, his blood belonging to a long family line known as the Laughing Magicians, legendary mages known for their power over Synchronicity and their uncanny ability to bluff and trick even gods. This discovery led him to delve into the practices of his lineage, and he began to partake in magic. His first act was to seal away his childhood innocence and vulnerability in a small wooden toy-box he once used, ridding himself of the burdens of virtues he'd lost long ago. In 2007, at 15 years old, John botched a curse that left his father withered and frail and doomed to die - and subsequently ran from home, his sister, and Liverpool, heading to London and making a permanent home in an apartment with his new roommate, Francis 'Chas' Kramer, who would go on to be John's oldest, closest, and longest surviving friend. John soon got involved in the occult circles of London's population. From 2008 onwards, he practiced his magics and learned more about the occult world lying behind the mortal one, and in 2010, 18 and legally adult, he began to travel to other cities and countries to expand his knowledge. In New York, 2011, he met a talented female magician called Zatanna Zatara, and the two began a brief, young relationship. While together, John grew enamored with Punk Rock after attending several gigs, and while Zatanna was less than enthralled by the thrashy, violent music, she supported John and tolerated the affair for the sake of their relationship. Inspired by the scene, John put together his own punk band, a three-man piece called Mucous Membrane, moving back to England - and leaving Zatanna - to do so. It was during their first few pub-gigs that John got his first taste of magical heroism, and the disasters it would rain down upon his life. 2012, 20 years old, Newcastle. Post-gig, John stumbled across the aftermath of a horrific magical incident: an abused child - a little girl called Astra - had taken revenge on her adult tormentors by tapping into her raw innate magical abilities, conjuring a vicious monster to slaughter them in the middle of an orgy - and now the monster refused to leave the mortal plane. With a recklessness that would soon enough become his MO, John convinced Chas, his bandmates, and several other occultist friends to pour their power - using a protective pendant Zatanna had gifted to him upon his departure - into summoning a demon of their own to combat the monster. Sadly, while their abilities were enough to bring forth the creature, they were not enough to bind it to their will. It killed the monster, and then tormented Constantine's friends and snatched Astra away to Hell. John suffered a nervous breakdown from the fates he had brought down upon everyone he cared for with his thoughtless actions, and severed all ties, committing himself to Ravenscar Psychiatric Hospital. He remained in the institution until 2015, when, with a slightly-grimy bill of 'clean' mental health, and a second, dirtier bill of rapidly declining physical health, he was released, suffering Lung Cancer from his 30-a-day smoking habit and given only a few years to live - if he was lucky. John didn't much believe in his personal 'good luck', but he did believe in life - and with Chas still faithfully by his side, the two saw nothing left for them in England, and moved to the US in, starting again in Manhattan. John searches for help, ordinary or otherwise, keeping himself practiced in magic, and Chas works a cab - though more often than not, his sole charge is Constantine.[/indent] [b]| Plot Arcs | [/b] [u]What's In A Lung? ...Multiple Benign Tumours, Apparently.[/u] [indent][i]With only a year or so left to live, and a debt to repay, Constantine is unwilling to let go on life just yet - good thing that he's got a plan. Whether it goes accordingly, however, is another thing altogether...[/i][/indent] [u]One Day, Three Problems. Less Than Usual...[/u] [indent][i]Constantine isn't the only one with particularly cunning and clever plans. And he's not immune to being caught in their webs, either.[/i][/indent] [u]Hot Weather, Inspiring Scenery, Lovely Winter Getaway. Mind You Don't Burn Your Feet.[/u] [indent]There are some places John never likes going back to; Ravenscar, Liverpool, Hell, Chas' mother's house...[/indent] [/hider] Four edits later and the coding is working. The one thing I don't like about the Guild is you can't make a sheet look [i]pretty[/i] anymore. Regardless, it's up, peruse at your leisure.