Hotarubi quickly took care of the guard she was fighting by cutting his leg so he could not move properly, then pushed him aside, there was no need to kill him. She then looked at Simbad and replied "Well, I have you guys with me so there's no problem" She watched Belaziri get away with the chest. "Alright time to end the show!" She then got under the wagon full of gold and placed an explosive she had prepared only for this mission. Once the explosive was ready Hotarubi Climbed a building, when she reached the roof she looked down at the people, they were quite shocked by all it happened but they knew the guild was doing it for them. "We are the thieves guild! We steal for our people and justice!" Hotarubi shouted so everyone in the square could hear her, as soon as she finished talking the wagon exploded. "It's raining gold!!" The children shouted with excitement, people of all ages hurried to pick up as much gold as they could. Before disappearing among the roofs of Ivek Hotarubi stared at the prince and princes, he was obviously furious but the princess did not know what to think, she was a bit excited by what the guild was doing, after all this kind of things would only been seen in childish tales