2 It has been a long month for Sol, constant movement to go to this new place they call "Haven" who heard of such a thing...but that was it, this place was true. Not for a second however was Sol convinced. This talk of a place for equals? And a safe place to live? It couldn't be true. He has already convinced himself that its not true and he had to see the place for himself. So in this last effort Sol took his savings he had left and bought a Harley to ride and the remaining money was used for gas. The Harley was a older model but did well with gas. All Sol had was the cloths on his back some food and alcohol, his cigarettes and random metal scrap all in a duffel bag of his. A few times on his travels was he threatened by people for being different. just cause his appearance was so different they guessed he was a mutant. but those were usually the drunks and people with a big attitude towards other races, honestly if the laws did not bind him. Riding on the highway he saw a sign that said "New Haven 10 miles" Sol chuckles seeing the newly made sign shaking his head thinking it was a joke they had signs for this place already this place hasn't been around for too long from what he can remember. However it was getting late a Sol didn't sleep the previous day but he didn't stop why stop now? He is so close. Continuing on he goes into deep thought, why would anyone make a place like this?...it's got to be a set up against mutants...even in his deep thought he noticed the sky it was getting a little cloudy as the night began to near but first as always comes dusk. The sky was a beautiful shade of orange but the darkness came fast and clouds blocked out the stars however the light of the city a few miles out was very noticeable slowing down and soon coming to a stop he just stared at the place as he was beside the border sign welcoming people to.this New Haven. Sol shook his head in disbelief kicking the bike on he revs the engine peeling down the road towards the city. It was soon getting darker but he had finally entered the city and as any other he passed it looked....normal...how? Slowing down he parks his bike at the curb, his duffle bag strap over him as the bag is on his back he looks around. Shaking his head once again he Reach's into his vest grabbing a pack of cigarettes bumping the bottom of it a cigarette pokes out and he grabs it with his mouth and puts the pack away. People walked by him on the sidewalk and some looked at him funny. Looking to some he gave them a annoyed glare of some sorts. Lifting up his hand he cups it and focuses on his palm for a moment, a small flame appears, bringing up to his cigarette he went to light it and out of nowhere the sound of lightning and bam! It began to pour, extinguishing his flame it damps his cigarette and his expression was blank as he says the simple words, "Shit..." Throwing it to the ground he went to start his bike as it started and then fizzled away blinking he checks the gas gauge and it was on E. Giving a sigh of annoyance he gets off the bike and grabs the keys walking with his bag slung over his shoulder. The rain was heavy it splashed against the concrete making a calming noise but the sound of slushing and sploshing footsteps drowned that out. The rain made his hair droop a bit and his clothes began to get soaked. He knew he was low on cash, so no hotels tonight. Where to go? Then he saw it, A bus stop perfect, something so simple seemed like something so great. A place to dry and sleep even being a public stop it would cover him from the rain. Walking in he shakes his head. Looking around he could see people trying to get out of the rain sitting on the bench he sets his bag beside him and grabs another cigarette placing it in his mouth he takes a deep breath looking around one final time and focuses that flame in his hand and lights it, smoke rose from the tip of it, causing him to smirk for a moment before taking a big drag from it holding his breath for a moment and exhales. Leaning his head back against the glass of the bus stop, he closes his eyes for a moment and rests letting the cigarette burn. His breaths becoming steady.