Being let in on Gotham's biggest secret was a little intimidating, even for Kate. Most of them, probably all of them, have been at it longer than she has. For the longest time the deal was "don't get in my way and I won't get in yours", but now she had to rethink their entire relationship. Not only that but her best friend wasn't who she thought she was. It was a bit much to take in all at once. But despite her misgivings, Kate didn't hesitate to follow Steph further down the rabbit hole when asked. As the two ventured further down shadowed corridors painted with the faint echo of footsteps, Steph opened up in a way Kate never could. She listened intently to Steph's story, one of self-reliance and selfless justice. In a small way, Kate was glad she was able to gaze upon a side of Steph that she's never seen before. Sharing her own story wasn't something Kate was sure she could do just yet, not even with Steph. Being an open book hasn't exactly worked out for her in the past, although by the sound of it there wasn't much they didn't know about her. She couldn't decide if that was good or bad. Soon they passed thru a hulking steel door with a security system so advanced Kate didn't even know it existed. She half expected to find a rocket ship or giant robot on the other side of those doors. Honestly tho, there wasn't much that could've surprised her even more that day. What she found was two Batsuits side by side. The purple one was obviously Steph's, somehow it just felt like a color she'd choose. The other one looked like Kate's except not as clunky or chunky. [b]"To be honest, Bruce didn't know about this suit until recently...I was planning on revealing myself and offering this as a gift. You know; so you wouldn't die, and I wouldn't lose one of my only friends."[/b] Kate couldn't help but smile a little as she watched Steph worry about her. Who knew receiving a bulletproof suit could be so cute. She gently laid a hand on Steph's shoulder to reassure her. "You don't need to worry about me, sweetheart. I don't plan on dying anytime soon. So, is there a changing room somewhere or should I strip right here?" After suiting up, Kate found the suit not only lighter but cooler too. It felt like a feather and fit like a glove. Those measurements Steph got were [i]really[/i] precise. And now she could finally reach behind her back. Even the wig wasn't itchy and didn't smell like plastic. The new gadgets would get some time to get used too, but they were far more advanced than what she was carrying around before. Not completely sure what everything does, Kate just filled her new belt with stuff that Steph recommended: smoke pellets, extra grapple line, heated Batarangs, those kind of things. It was kinda weird seeing Steph as Batgirl. Being told she's Batgirl is one thing, but actually seeing her suited up was a reminder of how real this all was. "Yeah, purple is definitely your color."