Appearence: Sorry Im not familiar with anime enough to find a anime person [IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG] Name: Lothair Age: 23 Civil clothes: First picture Thief clothes: Second Picture Weapon: Sabre, Stiletto Dagger Tools: Herbs (mostly Non-Lethal), Alchemy kit, Lockpicks Bio: Lothair joined the Guild a few years back and he has never looked back on his life, deciding that despite being locked away for a year or so is worth the riches he has now. Speaking of riches Lothair never really brought into he idea of giving back to the poor but instead keeps all the spoils of his job for himself. Not important info: In his spare time he likes to try a little "Alchemy" with his pipe and herbs He also has a pocket watch, a token of his forst succesful heist