[quote=@manapool1] Nodding in approval, glossy black cylinders he had for eyes shone against the sun like rhinestones. He accepted the handshake with gusto before letting his leathery glove slither away. "I.. I am Haboko, perhaps you have heard of me? Envious I am sure, but you need be so, as it is all but foreplay to the real me, pretending to be the great conqueror of gyms. It's all a lie... but you have taken it upon yourself to remove sheepishness from your veins and encounter myself in the streets, wht might that be" [/quote] A bit confused by the stranger, Abel stood in silence for a moment while he racked through his brain for an answer. "Haboko you said? Hmmm." Shaking his head Abel continued on with an apologetic frown. "Sorry, I can't say that the name rings any bells. But you seem rather confident in yourself, to say the least... I'll get down to business then." A fire ignited in his eyes, his blood pumping from anticipation. "You looked like an interesting guy so I thought I'd come over and challenge you to a battle. So what do you say, one traveler against another?" Abel sincerely hoped the man would accept, seeing how different he was from other trainers he had faced. Most were fairly confident, as would anyone on a winning streak, but this guy was different. He was strange, in a mysterious way, but from what Abel could tell, he didn't seem all that bad.