Name: Träd Oak (umlaut optional while typing) Age: 17 Gender: Male Race: Human Weapon: Gram (Sword) and Svalinn (shield). Trad carries a double bladed long sword named Gram, capable of delivering precise and devastating blows. Its hilt is a dark leather wrap with an upward curved cross guard. While not the best swordsman, Trad can hold his own. Trad’s specialty his shield, Svalinn. Proudly displaying his emblem on the front, Trad’s massive kite shield is capable of blocking nearly everything that is thrown at him. If battle becomes intense, Svalinn can expand and mount in the ground, creating cover for him and his team. At this point Grams second mode is engaged. By turning the cross guard to down and holding them like grips, Gram becomes an assault rifle. A barrel extends from the bottom of the hilt while the blade then splits and folds into a stock. When not in use, Trad carries them both on his back. Specialty: Trad is a sturdy guardian, a warden more specifically. Hard to knock over and not someone you can push around, he is quick with a blade and doesn’t fool around in combat. Needing his arms to be able to move freely, Trad doesn’t wear armor, instead he relies on Svalinn. Being sturdy does come with a price. Trad isn’t very fast, most of the time if an opponent retreats he won’t be able to chase. Don’t expect him to be doing any backflips either, in fact his only real way of dodging is a quick jump. Semblance: Rooted. When activated, Trad becomes completely invulnerable. He cannot be hurt, he cannot be moved, where he stands is his ground. But the same goes for him, he cannot move. Even a blink is impossible while he is rooted. Personality: Trad is the guardian of Remnant! Or, at least that’s what he wants to be. Having a strange sense of duty, he strives to protect all that is good from those who would do it harm. In battle, Trad tends to remains calm even when things start looking bleak. The safety of others is his first priority, even to the point where he would lay down his arms or risk his life for others. Off the field, Trad is usually lighthearted and has a few jokes ready, with friends that is. With new people, he’s often quiet and hard to talk to. Trad prefers to either be alone, or in a group, being one on one is much too personal for him. Color: Forest Green Emblem: A large oak filled with green leaves on the top with winding and connecting roots on the bottom. Appearance: Standing around 5’ 9”, Trad isn’t the tallest or biggest, but he can keep a firm stance. His hair is dark blonde/light brown and is around shoulder length, but he keeps it in a ponytail. His eyes are piercing emerald, usually scanning the area or staring deep into your soul! While he tries to shave often, his face will usually have a dark stubble. When not in his required school uniform, Trad wears a dark green T-shirt with a brown vest. He has a brown strap on his chest that holds up his equipment. On his hands are green fingerless gloves secured by brown bracers, and to finish he has light brown cargo pants and heavy brown boots.