Zaylin glanced to the boy that Ash mentioned as he sat eating breakfast by himself. As Ash continued speaking, Zaylin glared at her overly dramatic tone. She startled at Amy’s outburst, her attention turning to the girl as Amy stood and walked away in a huff. She snorted at Ash’s blind thought on Amy storming off. “Or it could have something to do with your disrespect for the dead,” she said with a glower. “Well,” she began darkly with a glance at her watch, “thanks for the info, at least.” She glanced to Luca, her expression lightening a bit. “Glad we could be officially introduced. Maybe I’ll see you at the bonfire tonight.” Picking up her own bag as Ash stood, she slung it over her shoulder. Grabbing her plate, she quickly disposed of the remaining bits of food. She paused a moment, looking between the boy, Sam Rivers, and where Amy had disappeared. [i]I’ll probably see him tomorrow morning,[/i] she thought, then hurried after Amy. Catching sight of her in the halls, Zaylin followed. “Hey,” she said as she caught up. “Sorry if I initiated something back there. I didn’t mean any harm.”