Elizabeth finished off her glass of brandy and placed it down on the small table beside her chair. She looked over at Azrael and watched as he put the young human girl down on the sofa. [i]"I don't want her filth on my sofa. She deserves to sleep outside."[/i] she muttered angrily, getting to her feet and walking straight up to the man. [i]"I don't want her here.... she doesn't deserve to be here. You should take her back to wherever the hell she comes from.... I'm supposed to be the important one in your life, I thought. It looks like you've got feelings for a stupid girl like her....romantic or not, you care for her. You care for a human. It sickens me."[/i]the woman folded her arms tightly against her chest and she sighed, unsure of what she was going to do at the moment. Suddenly, Evangeline started to wake up because she heard voices. She opened her eyes to see Elizabeth and Azrael standing a meter or so away from her, and they were talking about her, it seemed. Elizabeth didn't seem to like her very much at all. [i]"Mm....what's going on?"[/i]she asked them softly, sitting up and rubbing her eyes rather sleepily. [i]"Is this where you live, Elizabeth?"[/i] Evangeline asked, looking up at the woman with a small smile on her face. Unfortunately, Elizabeth didn't return the smile and she glared down at the human girl, looking as if she was going to tear her apart at any moment.[i]"Shut your mouth, girl. You're lucky I even allowed you to stay under this roof. If you don't watch yourself I'll rip you apart and bleed you dry within a matter of seconds. If you're not out of here by the morning, I will see to it that you become nothing more than a useless sack of blood and bone."[/i]and with that, she turned away and headed out the front door, almost slamming it off of the hinges as she went outside. It had started to rain, but she didn't really care. She needed a way to calm herself down. When Elizabeth had left them alone, Evangeline didn't say anything. She simply sat there on the couch, biting her lip. There were tears in her eyes, but she didn't cry out or make a sound, as she didn't know what to do with herself. She hadn't expected Elizabeth to say something so cruel to her, so she was honestly surprised.[i]"I.....I suppose I should go...."[/i]she muttered softly, looking up at Azrael. Tears started to run down the princess's cheeks and although she tried her best to wipe them away quickly, it was useless. [i]"She..she hates me..."[/i]Evangeline blurted out, turning away from her companion and burying her face into the back of the sofa as she cried.