It was dark, probably close to midnight, but that wasn't why it was so dark -- it was pitch black. The massive Driver was burrowing, and it took forever due to her massive body. But she needed safety, and caves and trees were not going to give her the safety that she needed. The start of the burrowing was far, far from her destination. This wasn't going to be a front door, it was going to be an escape tunnel... as she can't fit through the front door. So the further she went, the more she webbed up and clogged away behind her. A massive whole in a hill in the ground was behind her, but because of the webbing surrounding it, it would become latched on by leaves, branches, and other flora. It had taken time, and she was exhausted. But finally, she broke through into an underground crypt that she had discovered before. It's main room large enough for her to lay down and rest, take a breath, as she accompanied her Heart. The journey was so long, but it still wasn't over. And the trials had just began. She discovered a new way to create her Spiderettes. It would be even more tiring, but it was the best solution so far. And once the ball was rolling, she could truly take a breath, and even have a meal. Before she began anything, she shot her webs around the cold and dark place, hopefully for now any human or thing that saw these hard and massive webs would be steered away for at least a time. And then she breathed a deep breath, and entered her heart. It would take a long time for what she planned, but once it would be finished, everything would be grand, and she would be happy. [hider=Status]1st Creature - 0/3 (Spiderette) Dungeon - Old Crypt (Christened the Spiders Nest) Location - Eastern Center of the Jungle[/hider]