[h2]New Torrea[/h2][h3]Tsubasa[/h3] After he left the gathering of crazies, Tsubasa had at first returned to his inn. He spent a great deal of time checking and double checking his equipment; he sharpened his sword, but not quite to a razor keen edge. If he had to clash blades, he didn't want the sword too brittle. A razor sharp edge might cut, but it would also shatter. A decent whetting was good enough to cut through flesh without sacrificing the integrity of the blade. He sorted through his supplies and extra clothing; he would need a disguise in case he were discovered snooping around the castle. His black coat and normal dark clothing was just personal choice--for actual stealth, he would need something dark enough to blend into the surroundings at night. Anything that was an actual, solid black would be unnatural. Dusk turned things a hazy blue, or a shade of midnight, or a dull gray. By the time he was done making his preparations it was much later. He ate a meal, and then sat on his bed for some time, relaxing and meditating, his sheathed weapon lying across his lap. A knock at the door prompted him to open a single eye. "Come in." The man was wearing casual clothing, but Tsubasa had an eye for these things and knew he had seen combat. The way he held himself, the man had to have been a soldier. "You are Mr. Kojiro?" he said. When Tsubasa nodded, he held up a sealed envelope. The wax was blank, no signet...but it was also a deep red color, the kind from expensive candles only people in high standing could afford. "I've a letter for you from a mutual acquaintance." "And?" The soldier stepped aside, and a pageboy walked in carrying a chest of coins. He placed the chest in front of Tsubasa and backed out. With the toe of his boot the assassin opened its simple catch lock and pushed the top over. He stared at the contents for several moments as the soldier and page stood nervously awaiting his response. "Alright." he said finally. "That looks about right." He opened both eyes now and gave them an icy stare. "Thanks. You can go now." He had the money--Three hundred thousand up front. Hell, that was more than he would've gotten for a normal job of this caliber. He could just high tail it out of the city now with this and let that knight woman and those crazies deal with this for themselves. But of course, that would tarnish his reputation. And that would affect future employers. Again he checked and double checked his equipment. He secured what belongings he would not be taking with him, and the chest, in his room and left the inn in a set of clothes not at all conspicuous from those of the still bustling citizens around him. His hair was now a deep, chocolate brown after a quick wash with a special dye. As the sun set, he nonchalantly set off down the streets, taking a long-about route that would take him past the castle a few times. For the rest of that night, he did his "research." And the next day, as the rest of the group gathered around Hazael for a second time, a pair of servants driving a cart full of laundry underwent their usual daily inspection at the castle gates before being waved through. Tsubasa was in.