Tamashii: “I should think you would have to open it to know that” Kaylah: “I know but I don’t know if what is in here is a good thing or a bad thing. I also don’t know if it is rigged to make a noise or something so I may just do it later.” Tamashii: “What is it you’re looking at anyway?” Kaylah: “I am not sure at the moment but this box has a design on it, something I have not seen before and so I wonder if this belongs to a survivor or not. Maybe they thought it was a good place to hide it or maybe I am just over thinking things.” Tamashii: “This place looks clean...I mean really clean. There are a few infected over by the entrance to the city but apart from that, there is nothing or rather nobody about” Kaylah thought to herself and that did not sound right, a place which was to clean in an undead world was wrong for all sorts of reasons. Her brain soon started making all sorts of events that could happen at this time making her mind go straight to one of her fears which was being hurt in some physical way. It kind of started to show that she was nervous now, she felt a panic attack coming on though she would try and control it. Normally she would fail in this task but they were doing something rather important at the moment. Panic attacks were the worst and even worse when she had something important to do. Tamashii: “Don’t know about you guys but it feels wrong...all these cars just left here like this. I’m thinking about checking out that building if either of you wanted to join me, I’m doubtful there will be anything there but...” The woman in blues train of thought was soon derailed after Ash brought something else up making the cosplayer/stripper think for a moment. Clearly Dog would be better in that situation then herself. Since Dog had a brother like Cat she was clearly more qualified to do that task then she was. The panic attack slowly creeping upon the Kaylah kept popping up as she thought to herself though she tried hard not to let it take over, as she soon thought about what would happen if she was left alone to get the fuel. She concluded that it would take longer, but the the building close by would be cleared a lot quicker. Maybe supplies would be in there unless it was a tap of some kind. If it was a trap supplies or something of value would be in there to trap those who went for it. Tamashii: “What do you two think about this place?” Dog: "Maybe this is some sort of Safe Zone for a group that lives around here? Or a trap?" Kaylah soon heard Ash bring up a question and heard Dog answer it. She did not think of it as a safe zone, then again it was as Dog said a safe zone for whoever was here living here. He panic attack soon started to creep one step forward making her put the box down for a moment to rub her right arm. Why she did it she did not know but she found herself rubbing her arm slowly up and down. It being a trap was most likely and she hated the idea it was one but in reality it was probably one due to how quite it was. Kaylah thought to herself '[i]Calm down, nothing can go wrong. If I crack now I let down the team and we can't have that now.[/i]' Her breathing pattern soon became slightly more erratic making her say something though by now was probably known she had a panic attack coming. Kaylah: "This place..... This place is wrong on so many levels and I think we should investigate this place before deciding to go in or move on. We could be trapped right now..... Oh god don't let that happen (erratic breathing becomes more erratic). Take Dog and do something while I get the fuel, I am sure I can...... manage them on my own. I don't want any surprises you know and I am sure I will be able to defend myself. We need to gather as much as possible or we could be screwed. So very screwed." Her words had soon stopped as all sorts of problems began to emerge. She felt that if she did this the team would be OK and so she was very insistent that Ash took Dog with her to check the place out. Kaylah had her gun and if it came to it would either hide under one of the cars or make her way towards the truck where Rena was. She did not waste any time as she went to start another process to get fuel from another car, this one being yellow and it looked imported so she needed to smell the type of fuel it took. The smell was strong and luckily it was what they needed. She hoped by this point they had gone off to do what Ash said earlier. Kaylah: "........" Her eyes soon staring at the wooden box once more as her ears listened to the world around her. Clearly she made her mind up.