Howdy! Glad to see you're all back! Start working on NSes as soon as you please! I'll be finishing the OOC up today. Stop by the piratepad if you have any questions. I'm getting the sense that people want some more freedom with fantasy races, so I'm going to change things around with that. My preference is to take the standardy races and make grimdarkish versions them and call them by different names other 'elf' 'dwarf' etc etc. Likewise, I'd like to stick to humanoid races only, so only not-elves and not-dwarves. 'Beast' races in this setting were all originally bred by dark magic for the express purpose of fighting wizards' wars for them, and they are inherently violent and cruel. Think Tolkien's orcs and Warhammer's beastmen. I'm still thinking things out, suggestions on this score are welcome.