Allura listened intently as the two men exchanged information. She, too, was glad to hear that the nearest town was only two days away but became confused when the man added that it would be a week long travel by foot. Of course, she didn't mind walking, but that seemed a little odd and something was nagging at her that maybe the vendor was not exactly telling them the truth. Allura was momentarily distracted from her thoughts as Akira's hand tightened slightly around her own, making her blink slightly in surprise. As she glanced over at him, she noticed that his eyes had suddenly went from its usual color to red and the angel could immediately tell what was going on. [I]Apparently that water in his lungs has warn off enough to allow the demon to gain enough strength to take over his body once more.[/I] She thought with a slightly worried look on her face but was relieved to see that Akira had retuned to normal and the rest of the conversation continued without further incident. "Yeah, I guess so." Allura replied a little while later to Akira's comment then found herself thinking about her seemingly younger appearance. It's true that she'd been turned from human to angel when she was only about twenty years old, making her look young, but in actuality, Allura was nearly a hundred years old now. Shaking the thought away, the angel focused on their new destination: the tavern. She could hear the rowdy laughter of men and women way before they were even at the door and Allura already deemed this a place she would not willingly go into, but in order to lay low for a while, she figured that this would be the best place for the two to go. However, as soon as they walked inside, a hush fell over the crowd that was already there and all eyes turned to them. Allura could do nothing but stare back until, thankfully, most seemed to loose interest in them and return to their own conversations. Though the angel couldn't shake the feeling that someone was still staring at the them as she led Akira over to the nearest empty table. Luckily, it was in the corner so they could have a little bit of privacy while they were here. After sliding into the booth across from Akira, the angel smiled over to him. "Well, this should be fun?" Her voice held only a bit of sarcasm, but it wouldn't be hard to pick up on. Just as she was able to add another to that question, a woman dressed in simple clothing walked over to their table with a fake smile on her face. It was very clear that she didn't want them there too. "Would you two like some wine while you're here?" Allura glanced over to her companion and raised an eyebrow. [I]Would ordering wine help us to fit in more? Or would declining it make them more weary of us? Could the wine possible be poisoned?[/I] All these thoughts and plenty more seemed to flood the angel's mind all at once. After being away from human civilization for decades, Allura wasn't all too sure on what to do in certain situations, especially ones like this.