"Oy!" he yelled, using the colloquial accent he usually tried to hide, "Inthtead of pithin' abouth and hafin' a good ol' laugh abouth me fathe and me voithe, hows abouth ye shuth yer gums and gethon with thomething producthive?!" he barked, he'd had enough of the conversation about the way he was and now that he started, he wouldn't stop until he felt he had gotten the point across, "I came on thith fuckin' jaunt through the gladeth for adventhure, noth to be chewed out by a bunch of fuckin' thtrangerth I've only meth a few hourth ago!" He stopped for a moment and tightened his scarf so it wouldn't fall. "Now if we could pleathe mind our own bithineth, I'd be gratheful." He simply then turned away from the group and pulled out his child's encyclopedia, trying to get his mind off the subject and his outburst.