Hahahaha don't make fun of my naming skillz! XD EDIT: We're working on the introductory post and npc lists as well as some locations to give people better starting points [if they'd like to use them]. Anyone who has an already accepted character, please do me a favor and pm me a short bit of info about your town/city/manor and where you would like it located in Lugere and Ayero. Describing the "theme" and "feel" of your city would help immensely. If you wanna go incredibly in depth, you can find artwork online that fits your town and a "crest" for the town, if applicable. Also, with the changes to Morphs, being able to be "transformed through a horrible nightmare" and suddenly awake one day to be a Morph, anyone who already has a Morph character can opt to change their Morph into having been transformed instead of born as a Morph. Just inform us. [b]I'm working on the first introductory post for today, but please save the first and/or second slots for me and [@Pirouette].[/b]