Anyways, um, building on that thing I mentioned earlier... [url=]Female[/url] and [url=]male[/url] of the race. The blurb beneath the female one applies more to some vague fantasy setting I work on whenever I get block (which happens more than I'd like, so... Yeah ^^;), and it would need a bit of reworking but the gist is that they're a proud warrior race, vaguely based on the Mongol hordes, have a strong sense of honour, treat war like an artform and are very opposed to slavery due to the entire race being enslaved centuries/millenia ago by some other race that if still exists they harbour an immense enmity towards. Also they ride giant tigers instead of horses. :D But um yeah, not sure if they'd work out or not but just throwing it out. If not then I'll probably call dibs on orcs and goblins and see if I can do something fun with that. Always good to have a fallback, after all. ^^;