Otto strolled down the frigid New York streets with his hands in his pockets. This was his first time her in years, he has enjoyed himself for about 5 years by traveling around the world. He had gone back to his home back in Europe only to find out that his ancient home had been demolished. He had been down for a few second before picking back up and continue on with his makeshift vacation. Otto walked down a empty street not to for from the docks and saw a groups of human trying to clean something up. But Otto simply ignored then and walked into wan alley, humans were always kind of weird to him, even when he was a human. Then Otto stopped in his tracks, a strong scent wafted through the air, 2 powerful scents. He tried to ignore it but it was like trying to ignore an itch on your back. Otto walked out of the alley and could trace the scent to a building across the street. He watched as another vampire stormed out of the building angrily with a dress in her hand. With the scent he could tell she was a Blakemoore. But Otto knew better,je would let her leave, then take a look at the building himself, the powerful scent was still emanating from it, although it was not linger as powerful. Otto leaned onto the alley wall and smiled as he watched the vampire walk away.